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    Misery Business – (Chapter: Dennison)

    I try to swallow the lump in my throat, I can’t. My saliva is thick, too thick. My tongue tries to escape my lips. I force it in, knowing that rolling in over my lips will only increase the chapped feeling.




    I cross my arms, shielding the top half of my body from prying eyes. My already fast pace continues to increase.




    The sunlight beats down on me, taunting me. A trickle of sweat rolls down between my eyebrows slowly making its way to the bridge of my nose. I cross my eyes, watching it roll off of the tip.




    I continue to walk, paying close attention to the intake of my breath.




    My eyes dart to the left; I notice the cross walk change from white to orange. My feet come to a halt.




    The sound of beeping horns, screeching tires, and shrill yells filter through my ears. Cars continue to fill the streets.




    I wait, patiently. Not really wanting to get to where I’m going.




    Finally the white sign reappears; I make my way past the beeping horns. The sound amuses me. They continue to beep their horns, as if the sound is going to make the light change any faster.




    My feet reach the side walk before I do. My body is always a few steps ahead of my mind in the daylight.




    It wants to be shielded from this atmosphere, it prefers the dark. The darkness is where it feels safe, where I feel safe. Where my mind is in time with my body.



    But not here, not in this unfamiliar light.




    My quick pace eases up as I come close to my destination.




    I once again begin to focus on my breathing pattern.




    I turn left and walk down the slightly darker alleyway. My quick walk has become a lazy stroll. The black door comes into site. I move towards it, entering without a knock.




    The cool air hits me I smile, reveling in the temperature, but more so the darkness. He knows me well. Knows how I prefer things to be. Knew I would come even when I said I wouldn’t.

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