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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: Ask Yourself Why)

    Spencer valiantly tried to catch up to Ashley, but the brunette was quick, and before she knew it, the two girls were by Ashley’s car. Before she could get into her car, a hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her close. Angry brown orbs met confused blue ones. She tried to pull her hand free, but the other girl wouldn’t let her.


                “Spencer, I just want to go home,” she said in a low and dangerous voice. She was in no mood to deal with the blonde.


                “What the hell was that?”


                “What?” she questioned feigning ignorance.


                “You know what I’m talking about! Back there in the gym!”


                “I don’t like P.E.” the blonde rolled her eyes and scoffed.


                “Oh please, Ash. You were just fine up until that last exercise we were doing! Then you’re storming out of the gym!” Spencer stared intently at the brunette anxious for an answer.


                “Yeah, probably because you two looked like you were about to go at it right on the floor!” she replied with malice.


                “Ashley, you have no right to be upset. We’re friends, just friends, all right? You have a girlfriend…”


                “I’m not jealous!” she said stubbornly.


                “Then why are you acting like this? Why are you asking me who’s a better kisser, you or Lily? Why are you storming out of the gym when all Lily and I are doing is following Coach’s instructions? Why are you ignoring me during lunch? If you’re not jealous, whether it be out of friendship or…whatever…then stop doing what you’re doing!” With that the blonde removed her hand from her friend’s wrist and headed back to campus. Ashley rubbed her wrist where Spencer’s hand had been just moments before and relished in the tingling feeling that remained from the contact. She shook her head, jumped in her car, and sped out of the school parking lot. She had some serious thinking to do.



                A calm breeze wafted through curly, brown locks. Ashley had been sitting on the beach staring out into the ocean for the past hour. Her friend’s words kept running through her mind consistently. Why was she acting this way if she wasn’t jealous? For the first forty-five minutes, she had managed to tell herself that she was just jealous because Spencer was her best friend, and she was concerned about her well being. She didn’t want her to just sleep with Lily to get it over with. Obviously for the blonde to have waited this long, surely it meant that this was a big deal for her. Spencer was a kind, sweet, caring, funny, beautiful girl who deserved only the best in everything. Including her first time. Thoughts of candles, rose petals, a giant, comfortable bed filled the brunette’s head, and she knew that if she had the chance to, she’d make Spencer’s first time special. Lily barely even cared about Spencer, and it infuriated the brunette to no end. Her friend deserved to be with someone who at least loved her!

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    1. awesome awesome update i just really want spencer 2 come to her senses and be all hey im in love w/ ashley wtf am i doing w/ u lily he he well pms

    2. awesome awesome update i just really want spencer 2 come to her senses and be all hey im in love w/ ashley wtf am i doing w/ u lily he he well pms

    3. OMG! You are too much. First of all that was a great update and second to put the link to the lingerie. HOT!! I could actually imagine Spencer in it. You certainly know how to make a girl smile! *blushing*

    4. OMG! You are too much. First of all that was a great update and second to put the link to the lingerie. HOT!! I could actually imagine Spencer in it. You certainly know how to make a girl smile! *blushing*

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