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    You’re Just Jealous Cause We’re Young and In Love – (Chapter: Suddenly Everything’s Changing)

    Blank brown eyes bored into a white hospital wall. Ashley was back in her bed thinking about everything that had just happened. She had been standing outside of the young woman’s hospital room, watching intently as the machines kept her alive, and wondered who she might be leaving behind if she didn’t manage to pull through. She was getting lost in her thoughts when she was jarred out of her reverie by an angry blonde doctor storming up to her


    “You! What the hell are you doing here?” she demanded angrily. The brunette looked at her blankly wondering why this doctor was so overly concerned about her patient.


    “I just wanted to see if she was okay,” she replied meekly.


                “No! Get the hell out of here! You don’t deserve to see her! You don’t get to know how she’s doing! You put her there!”


    “I wasn’t even driving,” the brunette defended weakly. She knew it was a lame attempt.


    “It doesn’t matter,” came the cold reply. You were involved, you and your reckless, careless antics. You race around in your fancy car, high, drunk, thinking you’re on top of the world! You don’t stop to realize that no one is invincible, not even you. You don’t stop to think that you could end up killing someone! She was on her way home,” the blonde doctor was now gesturing wildly at the window, tears were threatening to fall. It suddenly clicked in Ashley’s mind. This woman must’ve been a relative. “She was visiting her family! She was visiting us, and now…now she may not live! You don’t deserve to know anything about her condition!” The woman was now in hysterics and some nurses were making their way over to her and gently tugged at the doctor’s scrubs. “If she’s dead, it’s on you and your friend.” She was fighting the nurses to stay in front of Ashley and to make sure she felt like hell. She wanted the careless rock star to feel the pain she was feeling, the hurt that she felt every time she looked at her little girl. “Get her off this floor,” she demanded as she finally allowed the nurses to pull her away.

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    1. i dont know if im releived for ashley that she finally saw spencer… or if im worried for ashley that she told spencer it was her fault. big strong ashley cracked… wow. great post. PMS

    2. i dont know if im releived for ashley that she finally saw spencer… or if im worried for ashley that she told spencer it was her fault. big strong ashley cracked… wow. great post. PMS

    3. Awww…i feel bad for Ash (and Spencer of course), but guilt SUCKS! I’m really loving this story! Thanks for the update, i will be waiting for the next one!

    4. Awww…i feel bad for Ash (and Spencer of course), but guilt SUCKS! I’m really loving this story! Thanks for the update, i will be waiting for the next one!

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