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    Give Up – (Chapter: Deal)

    I’m not disappointed that she hasn’t said it back. She felt it, I could see it in her eyes, I wouldn’t force her to say it. I wouldn’t try to get her to say it. I wouldn’t hold that against her. I would wait until she was ready. All that matters to me is that I love her and she knows it.


    2 Months Later




    "Look, we’ve been doing business for a long time." He lets out a deep sigh, in turn I roll my eyes. "I’m sorry if I’ve grown accustomed to the way things were. It’s always been you and Glen making these business transactions with myself and Joseph. I can’t help it if bringing in a new partner makes me a little nervous."



    I lean back against the soft cushion of the wood chair. I speak in the most patient and professional voice I can muster. "I understand that but nothing stays the same forever." He grabs the glass of water sitting on his side of the table and takes a long loud sip. I look around the crowded restaurant as my leg begins to shake in annoyance.



    "So tell me again why you want to change are normal routine." I run my fingers thorough my recently straightened hair before leaning forward and lowering my voice.



    "I told you Glen needs to lay low for a while we can’t risk having anyone find out he’s still breathing."



    He shakes his head in agitation. "He’s been back for more than a year if he was going to get found out it would’ve happened already."



    I match his annoyed tone as I speak. "If you have a problem with it call my father, see what he has to say about it." He shoots daggers at me before looking down at the table. "You know I could always find another supplier." I laugh out loud at his words.



    "You could but Dad wouldn’t be too happy if that happened. And we both know that if my father isn’t happy everyone around him suffers as well." I give him a manipulative smile before standing up and grabbing my purse. I snap it open and throw two twenty dollar bills on the table.

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    1. i love this story. it’s so suspenseful .. i always look forward to the next update because you keep me on my toes .. i feel so bad for the carlins .. i mean sureee they’re drug dealers but to be stabbed in the back by ashley … that’s just terrible .. and poor poor spencer … ashley convince your girl to go become a teacher in bali or something .. anywhere far far away

    2. Yes Ashley, there is hope for Spencer. This story just kills me because I don’t see how everything can end up okay. The only thing I can figure is that Ashley has to redeem herself to Spencer somehow so they can end up together. They are going to end up together, right? I hope so.

    3. :( ashley…you suck lol. you’re not supposed to get spencer into trouble. you’re supposed to run away with her. and live happily ever after. kthanks lol. fabulous update! loved it

    4. OMG…..NU! Ashley need to fix this. You can’t let her bust Spencer’s ass. That’s not right. Ugh, I can’t wait til the next post. I hope Spencer will be alright, PMS!!

    5. i love this story. it’s so suspenseful .. i always look forward to the next update because you keep me on my toes .. i feel so bad for the carlins .. i mean sureee they’re drug dealers but to be stabbed in the back by ashley … that’s just terrible .. and poor poor spencer … ashley convince your girl to go become a teacher in bali or something .. anywhere far far away

    6. Yes Ashley, there is hope for Spencer. This story just kills me because I don’t see how everything can end up okay. The only thing I can figure is that Ashley has to redeem herself to Spencer somehow so they can end up together. They are going to end up together, right? I hope so.

    7. :( ashley…you suck lol. you’re not supposed to get spencer into trouble. you’re supposed to run away with her. and live happily ever after. kthanks lol. fabulous update! loved it

    8. OMG…..NU! Ashley need to fix this. You can’t let her bust Spencer’s ass. That’s not right. Ugh, I can’t wait til the next post. I hope Spencer will be alright, PMS!!

    9. Wow…I don’t see Spencer grassing on her family, but if it would keep my girl’s together…blimey, I know they’ll be okay. I luv this fic’ ta…Cheers mate.

    10. Wow…I don’t see Spencer grassing on her family, but if it would keep my girl’s together…blimey, I know they’ll be okay. I luv this fic’ ta…Cheers mate.

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