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    You’re Just Jealous Cause We’re Young and In Love – (Chapter: Fortunate Fool)

                Spencer wearily looked down at the sobbing rock star, unsure of what she should do or say. She didn’t know what was going on, nor did she know what to say to the brunette’s confession, but she did know that she had to get the poor girl to stop crying.


                “Um…excuse me?” she tried saying softly, but it could barely be heard over the brunette’s crying. “Uh…Ashley?” She still had the woman’s hand in hers and she gently started to caress it to get her attention. This got Ashley’s attention, as well as the fact that the blonde knew her name. She started to control her tears, and within a few minutes was just shaking and hic-coughing. “Shh, it’s okay,” the injured girl whispered soothingly. This made rock star feel even worse that she was being comforted by the person she had hurt.


                “How do you know my name?”


                “Well…er…you are a famous celebrity,” she pointed out. Ashley blushed profusely.


                “Right…” she didn’t know what exactly to say, and to be quite honest, she’d expected the blonde to be absolutely furious and to start screaming at her to leave. Instead she had showed compassion and didn’t seem at all fazed by what the brunette had revealed just 10 minutes prior. She watched as the woman looked up at her from her bed with questioning eyes. “Did…um…did you understand what I meant earlier?”


                “Yes,” suddenly Spencer frowned not quite sure what was to say. She didn’t actually imagine she’d meet the person responsible for her being in the hospital. She wasn’t quite sure how she felt. It was definitely confusing because she knew she should be angry, upset, and every other emotion along those lines, but there was something about the brunette that made her unable to feel those emotions. She could see the remorse and the guilt in those deep chocolate brown eyes. And for that, she knew that she needed to give her a chance to say whatever it was she came to say. “Why are you here?” she asked nicely, not wanting to make it sound as though she was upset or annoyed. The older woman looked down as she fidgeted with her hands.

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