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    Opening Life – (Chapter: 1)

    Opening Life

    Chapter 1

    Sitting in the passenger seat of a black Honda Accord. The caseworker who intorduced herself to me as Stacy or something, was tapping her fingers on the steering wheel. I turned to look out the window and thoughts started flooding my head.


    We were driving home stuffed from the ‘big feast’ that we had a Applebee’s. Listening to the radio and trying to sing along. With my dad driving, mom in the passenger seat, and me in the back. I saw a bright blinding light come at me so fast, the next thing I knew our car was toppled over in a ditch. I looked up seeing me dad severly injured and my mom with alot of bood running sown her forehead. It was such a shock, I blacked out.


    I slowly opened my eyes, everything was blurry. After seconds of blinking I relised I was in a hospital bed. My head hurt really bad, I felt something gausy over it. I was confused, why was I in a hospital? Suddenly it came back, the sight of my parents.


    "OH MY GOD! MOM!! DAD!!!" I yelled while quickly jumping up to a sitting position. I saw people in the room quickly turn around, finding the cause of the big outburst. A doctor and a nurse walked up and told me it was ok and to just lay down. They checked my pulse and a some other stuff. I still was really worried, about my parents what the hell happened.


    The doctor noted the information on a sheet and headed out the door with the nurse following. Now I was alone in a hopsital bed, with no information what so ever about my parents! Moments later a colored woman, who was mid height walked in. She gave me a sweet smile, and sat down in the chair next to my bed.


    "You must be Spencer?" She asked.


    When I finally found my voice I replied "Yeah"


    "Hi, nice to meet you I’m Stacy"


    I gave her a forced smile and said "Look, nice to meet you too! But do you know if my parents are ok?"


    Her smile faded. "Spencer………, Look I don’t know how to tell you this……….., but in the car crash………your parents didn’t make it." she finished.


    Now my head was spinning uncontrolably, did she just say what I thought she said. I broke in to tears. It was getting harder to breath and I don’t know what I was thinking, but it felt as if my whole world just collapsed. My parents were dead.


    When I came back to the present. I felt a tear roll down my cheek.


    "Ok, we’re here." I heared Stacy say as I wiped the tear from my eye. Well I guess this is it. My foster home.


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