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    True Love – (Chapter: 1)

    It was a warm morning in June and I decided to take my dog Jesse for a walk, she was a 5 year old long-haired lab. We were walking down the driveway when she suddenly lunged forward causing me to drop the leash. I saw her run up and jump on Ashley, Ashley was this really annoying neighbor of mine that I hated ever so much, but for some reason Jesses’ always all exicted to see her.


    "Ahhhh!!!!!" I heard her scream. I quickly ran up to her.

    "Spencer! Get you mutt off of me!" She yelled out angrily. I quickly grabbed Jesse’s leash and held her tight.

    "Sorry Ashley ." I said, not regretting a thing. Ashley got to her feet and started wiping the dirt off her pants.

    "Well, I’m going to get back to my morning jog, and I don’t want your dog attacking me again!" she said and continued down the road. I just rolled my eyes and headed off.

    It was about 9:20 and I was starting to get ready and go to work, before Aiden called.

    "Hey Spencer!" he said

    "What do you want Aiden!’ I replied.

    "Geez….I was going to ask if you wanted to have lunch with me and a friend today?" he asked,

    "Umm… no thank you, sorry" I replied.

    "Thats ok, well have a good day at work…..all alone…with Craig."

    "Bye" I yelled and hung up the phone and got in my car and started driving. There wasn’t too much traffic considering the morning rush was pretty much over.

    I worked as a secritary for Dr.Craig Ozar, at a Vetenary office. Craig was at the door waiting for me. "So, hows my lovely secretary doing today?" he asked flirtatously."

    "Hi Craig" I replied while walking through the door he held open. He was cute and all, but he was a jerk most of the time. He had girls walking in here looking for him everyday. I don’t even know how I can actually trust myself being alone in a office with him everyday. But he’s nice. I sat down at my desk and just waited for the 10:30 appointment that he had comming up.


    Ashleys POV

    I can’t beleive Spencers dog jumped on me again, I love dogs and all but Spencers dog just slobbers all over you! I don’t know what it is, I usually get along with a bunch of people, but me and Spencer just don’t get along at all. Its like everytime we see each other we always end up arguing! Of course I’m the one that usually starts yelling.

    I got back home, and decided to call Travis, he was my partner at the startion, alot of people don’t think a petite girl like my would be a police officer, but I could kick their ass any day. Travis was this really nerdy kinda guy, you know chubby, dorky looking with glasses and all but hes cool. I totally thnk he was hitting on me for a while, well, who wouldn’t.I punched in his number and waited for him to answer.

    "Hellloo!" he answered

    "Hey Travis!" I said

    "Hey Ashley! whats up!" he asked.

    "Nothing much, so what about you?" I asked.

    "Same, I’m just cleaning out Canyon’s cage."

    "Ahh, so hows he doing? I asked. Canyon was Travis’s police dog, I was thinking about signing up to be a dog handler.

    "He’s doing great! Do you want to come by and see him?" he asked I looked at the clock and decided that since the kennel was right behind the station that I could.

    "Oh sure, but I don’t want to keep you waiting or anything." I replied.

    "Nah, I just started it’ll probuly take me like an hour anyway." he replied.

    "Ok, I’ll be there soon."


    "Bye" I closed my phone and went to change.


    1. ha! i have a neighbor like this, except he is an ugly fat guy and my dog doesn’t get within 15 feet away from him… this fanfic is much better than that. :D

    2. ha! i have a neighbor like this, except he is an ugly fat guy and my dog doesn’t get within 15 feet away from him… this fanfic is much better than that. :D

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