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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: About Last Night…)

    Spencer groaned as she opened her eyes. “At least I don’t have a killer hang over,” she thought to herself. She suddenly remembered why; her wonderful girlfriend. She rolled over to wake up Ashley, but noticed the brunette was no longer in bed. A slight sense of panic arose as she assumed that she had disappeared again. She was relieved to see a brown head bobbing along to some music with her headphones on. She made her way over to her girlfriend’s desk and lightly tapped the girl on her shoulder.


                “Holy fuck!” Ashley exclaimed loudly as she jumped and fell off her chair. Spencer tried to contain her laughter. The brunette glared up at her. “Yeah, yeah…laugh it up! You scared the hell outta me I hope you know!”


                “Aww! I’m sorry!” the younger girl said from behind her hand which was covering up her smile. Ashley continued to scowl as she stood up and took her seat at her desk. “How are you feeling?” she asked somewhat flippantly.


                “Not too bad. Thanks…for taking care of me and all. I’m sorry I was such a hassle.”


                “No problem, you were sick, you’re my girlfriend, taking care of you isn’t a big deal.” The blonde smiled a bit, glad that Ashley still considered her her girlfriend.


                “Um…I don’t…know exactly what happened last night, did I do anything…embarrassing?” The older girl frowned. She shouldn’t have felt upset or disappointed, but she did.


                “Well, you um…you were pretty wasted…and you drunkly came out to some of your sisters as well as announcing that I am your girlfriend.” Blue eyes widened in shock.  


                “Ohhhhh…fuck! That’s horrible!” she suddenly realized the way her words sounded and noticed the hurt and angered look in Ashley’s eyes.


                “I’m sorry that I’m so damn horrible!” she replied coldly.


                “No! that’s not what I meant! Not you being horrible! I just mean that I came out while drunk. It’s not exactly the best way to do it.”


                “Better that you got it over with then, otherwise I’m sure you never would’ve told anyone.”


                “Ashley! I would’ve come out eventually…”

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    1. Great update! So glad that you posted it. That was really special what Spencer did and took a lot of guts. I really love this story. Post more soon. :D

    2. Great update! So glad that you posted it. That was really special what Spencer did and took a lot of guts. I really love this story. Post more soon. :D

    3. I ran across this fanfic and read it all the way through…It has to be one of my favorites…However, you haven’t updated since March and was wondering if you were going to continue the story? PLEASE CONTINUE!!!!!

    4. I ran across this fanfic and read it all the way through…It has to be one of my favorites…However, you haven’t updated since March and was wondering if you were going to continue the story? PLEASE CONTINUE!!!!!

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