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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: That’s a Wrap)

                I don’t think I’ve been able to move for at least a minute, and I can tell Aiden’s becoming impatient. “C’mon Spencer, you don’t have a choice in this. We’re going to talk. No, I am going to talk, and you’re going to listen. Got it?” I weakly nod my head and he turns around to walk away. I follow nervously behind, unsure of what’s to come. Will he hit me? Oh God! I hope he doesn’t hit me! He’s a guy who believes in not hitting girls, but I did just steal his girlfriend…so irrationality might come into play here. I realize that we’re heading towards the gym. Okay…what’s with having serious discussions in the gym? First Kyla and Ashley, and now Aiden and me…seriously! I decide not to say anything and to just follow him. When we’re finally inside he glares down at me. My eyes dart around in an attempt to avoid looking at him.


                “Look at me, Spencer,” he commands. My eyes immediately respond and I feel like running away to avoid the intensity. “You were one of my best friends, I trusted you with my life, I’ve always been around for you when you needed me. Kyla was always an attentive girlfriend, one who was…is…madly in love with you. And what do you do? What do you and Ashley do? Cheat on us! Is that how you repay us?” I shake my head not knowing what to say. I know I’m not supposed to say anything, but I can’t help myself.


                “Aiden, cheating was obviously very wrong of us, and we didn’t think of the consequences…” Aiden snorts and rolls his eyes, but I continue on. “I know we were wrong in our affair, but we really do love each other, we’re in love with each other.” I look into his eyes and see the flash of hurt that appears. He quickly shuts his eyes, and when he opens them, they’re cold once more.


                “Spencer, do you love Ashley…I mean, do you love her more than anything? Can you see spending the rest of your life with her?”


                “Of course. I love her so much, I know it’s not easy to hear, but I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else, and it sounds stupid thinking that you’ve found your soul mate at 17, but she’s it. I love being with her, and she makes me feel like the most important person in the world. Everything makes sense when I look into her eyes. When she’s with me, it’s like the weight of the world has been lifted.” He looks down and nods his head.

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