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    Opening Life – (Chapter: 2)

    Opening Life

    Chapter 2


    Getting out of the car with my bag, I was think about what this was going to be like. Were these people nice, did they have any other kids; I walked up to Stacy, there was this dirty- blonded haired woman stading next to her. She had some pretty worn-out jeans and a old t-shirt on.


    "Hi there, you must be Spencer" she said with a slight southen accent.


    "Hi, yeah…..thats me" I replied with a fake smile.


    "Well Spencer, Beverly here is going to be your foster mom. Sorry, I can’t stay longer, but I have to be on my way." She gave me a quick hug and a ‘bye’ and headed off in her car. I turned around to Beverly.


    "Well Spencer, how does a tour of the house sound?" she asked, when she saw I was obviously wondering what was happening next.


    "Sure" She motioned me to follow, as she started walking towards the house. I took a look at my surroundings and followed. Her house was rather small, walking through the front door; I saw a 2 boys who were very absorbed in a video game on the couch, one who had light brown hair, and the other who had black, they didn’t seem much older than maybe 7.


    "This is Jeffery and Don." the two boys gave a quick wave not taking their eyes off the screen. "Continuing the tour, this is my husband Bill." she stated while walking through the kitchen. I gave a quick ‘hi’. Walking out of the kitchen she showed me the bathroom and finally ended in front of this closed door. Knocking on the door, a young brunnette who was about my age, opened it. She had on a black beater and some cheerleading shorts on.


    "Spencer this is my daughter Ashley, you’ll be staying in her room." she told me. "Ashley, help her get comfortable and stuff." the brunnette just gave a little smile and motioned me to come in. The room was really small espesially with two beds, the walls were just a plain white color. I could tell she was really into rock, by the posters she had and the music that was coming out of the speakers of a stereo.


    Well, this wasn’t too bad its an ok house and at least I’m not alone. I put my stuff down and took a seat on the bed. The brunnette was still standing there by the door. "So………Spencer?" she asked.




    "Ok, well I think you know, I’m Ashley. Just feel at home, you can do whatever, look through my stuff, I don’t really care. So where you from?" she asked while taking a seat on her bed.


    "Well, I was born in Ohio, but me and my parents moved here to Florida about a year ago." I replied.


    "Cool." she replied with a bright smile.


    I can’t say that everythings going to great I’ve only been here for about a hour, but its looking good.


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