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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: Oh Crap [Chapter 11])

    Ashley straddles me and looks deep into my eyes, and leans in and kisses me lightly on the lips. She rips my clothes off in almost one quick motion and quickly inserts on finger into my center, and I moan out her name, as she thrusts harder into me, causing an orgasm to quickly rip through my body as Ashley slides up my body and meets my lips with hers before she just wraps her arms around me and holds me.

    “I love you, Ash” I say, almost in a whisper, feeling vulnerable for saying this, and hope she feels the same way about me.

    “I love you too Spencer” I finally hear what I’ve been waiting to hear, but it’s not Ashley, it’s not her voice, I look to my left and laying next to me is Madison.

    I wake up quickly, trying to end the nightmare as soon as possible, I look to my side, and thank god Madison is not there, but the bad news is Ashley is not there either.

    “It was just a dream” I sigh to myself over and over again. I look over at the clock and see that I have twenty minutes before I have to go and see Ashley, but I don’t know if I should, she’s probably just going to break up with me. I don’t really want to get hurt, I do really love her, and her not loving me just hurts a whole lot.

    I get up and start changing, just in case I decide to head out and meet Ashley. I put on my hoodie and sweats and just sit on my bed. I look over at the clock once again and see there is only five minutes before the clock reaches 9 o’ clock. I decide now is a good time to go, just in case I want to change my mind, I have a couple minutes to.

    I see Ashley’s trailer from here and decide now is a good time to turn back, I mean why go through with this, this is like I enjoy torturing myself or something. But my feet aren’t really agreeing with my brain as they keep going to my original destination. I get to the back and see Ashley already there sitting down with her head in her hands.

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