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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: There Is a God…)

    Ashley Davies had never believed in God, and she had always assumed she wouldn’t. But as of the other night, she was starting to believe he existed. He existed, and He was punishing her for having dirty, lustful thoughts about the daughter of His number one worshipper. Why else would Spencer Carlin, her normally shy friend, show off her body wearing only the hottest lingerie, in Ashley’s room…alone, only to have nothing happen? Oh yeah…she was definitely beating herself up about that one. The image of her taking that silk bathrobe and letting it drop to the floor kept playing through the brunette’s mind, and she wasn’t sure why she allowed herself to keep thinking about it, because it just made her more frustrated. It also made her upset thinking that the getup was meant for Lily, and not her. She had spent the last few days being torn between lust and anger, a bad combination for anyone, especially her. What was worse was that it was gnawing at her, and she needed a way to release the tension, the frustration, the anger. That’s when she remembered Rachel…her girlfriend. Right, girlfriend. She frowned not liking the sound of that at all. And while Spencer kept running through her mind, she figured a little romp with Rachel would get her to forget the blonde if not for a little while. She grabbed her cell and called her.

    “Hello?” came a chipper voice. The brunette scowled, not really in the mood for chipper.

    “Hey, babe,” the most disgusting taste arose in her mouth after speaking those words…knowing that she wasn’t talking to the beautiful blonde. “What are you doing?” she asked seductively.

    “Hmmm, I was doing homework, but I sure could use a distraction right about now.”

    “Really? I suppose I could find some time to mosey on over.”

    “How about now?” Ashley grinned as she said her goodbye. This would certainly help her get over her best friend. She grabbed her keys, hopped into her car, and sped off towards Rachel’s house.

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    1. I sat down this morning to read this fanfic and found it quite intriguing and sexy…but unfortuanately you haven’t posted since April and I would really like to finish this story…it’s Awesome…PLEASE, I beg of you PMS…

    2. I sat down this morning to read this fanfic and found it quite intriguing and sexy…but unfortuanately you haven’t posted since April and I would really like to finish this story…it’s Awesome…PLEASE, I beg of you PMS…

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