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    Wild Horses – (Chapter: 4-What Happened?)


    "Its how it has to be!"  Spencer breakingly shouts as she angrily turns to face Ashley.  That’s when Ashley sees her face for the first time.

    Oh my God what happened to her?  Ashley asks herself when she sees Spencer”s whole face for the first time.  There were scars running up and down the left side of her face.  The worst one ran from her hairline down to the bottom of her chin.  There were some jagged scars around her throat as well.  That explains her voice.  Ashley moves closer to her and Spencer shifts back some not letting her get close enough to touch her not knowing why she was staring at her like that. 

    "What happened?"  Ashley asks making Spencer realize that her face was exposed.  She hurries to pull her hair back into place.  Ashley tries to reach her, but she backs away.

    "None of your business, why are you always here?  Why can’t you just leave me be?"  Spencer’s scratchy voice asks.

    "I just can’t.  You can keep pushing me away, but I will keep on trying."  Ashley says moving closer to Spencer.

    "I don’t think your boyfriend will like that."  Spencer points out.  Remember Spence she’s straight, so keep pushing her away.


    "I…he doesn’t matter right now.  Please just tell me what I need to do to get you to talk to me."  Ashley pleads with Spencer because she knows her heart can’t take much more.

    "Nothing, there is nothing you can do.  I just want to be alone.  Go to your boyfriend and forget about me.  You didn’t notice me before why now?  It doesn’t matter I only have to keep this up until summer is over.  Then you are gone.  Now leave before I get Athena to help."  Ashley looks at the beast and decides it best to leave and form another strategy.  What does she mean I didn’t notice her before.  Ashley thinks for a moment then remembers what the old man said.  She was here summers before, why did I just notice her?  Ashley leaves the barn. 

    Spencer lets out a sigh and knows that Leon has something to do with this.  She feels anger towards him, but he is really the only friend that she has.  She cools down and brushes Athena, she settles her down for the night and heads home.  She is not worried about her parents being worried, she know they don’t want her there.  She just feels obligated to stay because of her father and the enormous guilt that weighs her heart. 

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