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    You’re Everything To Me – (Chapter: Off Road Detour)

    "Yeah I can’t wait to get back to see Spencer, you have no idea."  Ashley spoke over the phone.  "It’s gong to be great to see her again."

    "Well she’s been missing you and I’m glad you’re coming back too.  How was the trip?"  

    "Amazing, I swear I think I’m going to be sleeping for a week.  But hey I’ve got to go planes boarding."  

    "Okay Ash, talk to you when you get here.  I love you."  

    "I love you too Ky.  Got to go bye."  Hanging up the phone, Ashley boarded the plane.  It’s been three months since she’s seen Spencer and it was killing her that they only talked about twice a week, because she never was unbusy.    Finding her seat on the plane she decided to catch some sleep before she landed back in LA.  Closing her eye it wasn’t long before she drifted off.


    "Aiden will you hurry up and get out so I can lock the doors!?!"  

    "Spencer slow down okay almost done."  Aiden yelled back.  He came out of the room and smiled.  "What’s the hurry?"

    Spencer laughed, "Ashley’s coming home today I have to go pick her up from the airport."  

    Nodding his head he replied jokingly, "Oh yes, that’s right it’s been what, three months since you gotten any?  I bet you’re dying to get into her pants…OW!"  

    Spencer smacked Aiden in the back of the head, pushing him out the door, following him to lock up.  "You’re just jealous, because you can’t watch."  

    "Hehe you’re right I am, but I’ll let you go pick her up and we’ll all hang out later at the club okay."  Aiden kissed Spencer on the forehead and left.  

    Smiling and thinking about how Aiden was right about her not getting any sex for three months killed her.  There were those times on the phone however, however, hearing Ashley moaning and screaming her name.  It wasn’t as amazing as if she was there with her, but still…it was something.  Walking to the car her mind was going back to the night before she left…


    The feel of her body against hers, was driving her crazy, and the taste of her skin, she couldn’t get enough of her. She loved every bit all the begging, moaning, and grinding.  The scream was the best part.  As soon as her fingers found that spot it was over.  Before all that, she loved kissing everywhere.  Tasting her lips, sucking and biting her neck.  Everything about her made the whole situation pure and amazing, addicting bliss.

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