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    Wild Horses – (Chapter: 5-The Storm)


    "Did I say that out loud?  It’s nothing, forget I said anything."  Leon says reaching for the pitchfork again.

    "No,"  Ashley says knocking the pitchfork away, "tell me what you mean about her still loving Spencer."

    "Pushy little thing aren’t you?"  All he gets as a response is a glare.  "I really don’t know that much about it.  All I know is the Carlin family shows up and a few weeks later Ms. Stone arrives and buys out the old owners.  Spencer starts to work here probably hired by her and Ms. Stone has protected her ever since.  I just assumed about the whole love thing…I mean why else would she do all that?"

    "I don’t know.  I better get back.  Thank for all your help." 

    "It was my pleasure."  Leon smiles back and leans over to get the pitchfork.  Ashley walks to her next activity only to have the skies open up and rain rushes down.  She hears one of the councilors shout that all activities have been cancelled for the rest of the day.  Ashley runs back to her cabin to change into some dry clothes.  She is changing her shirt when she feels a pair of arms wrap around her.

    "What the hell."  She shouts as she jumps.

    "It’s just me babe, what’s going on."  Ashley flinches as she feels Aiden starting to kiss up her neck.

    "Not now Aiden."  She gets out, shrugging out of his grasp.

    "What is your problem?  We are usually all over each other by now…let me just give you a massage to relax you."  She gives in hoping that it will relax her and hoping that she can avoid more questions.  She lays on the bed and he straddles her.  She can tell right off that this is not a massage to relax her.  Why does it always come to this?


    Later that night Ashley stares out the window listening and watching the storm.  She feels itchy all over, her body just isn’t comfortable.  So many thoughts are swimming around in her head and she just doesn’t know how to stop them.  She stands and takes off towards the barn.  She goes directly to Athena’s stall hoping against hope that she is there.  Water drips down her face as she stares at the figure curled up in some blankets.  She is both happy and sad to find her here.  Happy because she gets to see her, but sad because Spencer shouldn’t be in this cold dark place.

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    1. Hell freakin yea! That was an amazing update! And you’re just going to leave me…*pouty face* Well i guess that i’ll wait for you. LoL. Please post as soon as you can!

    2. Hell freakin yea! That was an amazing update! And you’re just going to leave me…*pouty face* Well i guess that i’ll wait for you. LoL. Please post as soon as you can!

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