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    2 Talented Girls – (Chapter: 6 Ashley your on the horn!)

    2 Talented Girls

    Chapter 6

    Spencers POV

    Reaching the really dull faded peachish color apartment building that my mom was renting, I decided to go in and face my mom by myself not wanting Ashley thrown into the middle of our screaming. I walked to the front door, finding my key in my purse and opening the door. I slowly walked in, closing the door behind me. No signs of my mother yet, I walked through the adequatly sized living room to my room that was almost right next to my moms. Right when I was about to enter the confinments of my room, I heard slight moans, coming from the next room.


    ‘What the…….’ I thought as I slowly creept closer. The door was slightly cracked open as I peeked in. ‘EWWW!!!’ I screamed in my head, at what I saw. ‘I do not want to be in this house right now!’ I quickly turned around and rushed out the front door. I quickly grabbed my phone from my purse and dialed Ashleys number.




    "Ashley, can you come pick me up again?" I said while walking around the parking lot.


    "Woah, was it that bad?" Ashley asked.


    "If your talking about the argment, No, it wasn’t bad, actually we didn’t have a argument at all!"


    "How’d you get out of that one?" she asked.


    "Well, she didn’t really see me, but I saw her, doing what I’m not going to talk about!" I replied, still rather disgusted.


    "Your not saying she was………….EWWWWW!!!!"


    "Yeah" I said.


    Ashley once again pulled into the parking lot. Spencer had just spotted her and started heading toward the car. Running to the passenger side of the car she quickly gets in and gives Ashley a sweet smile.


    "Thanks, for picking me up again."


    "No, prob." Ashley started. "Well…… did you have any plans in mind before you called me to pick you up again?"


    "We could….go to the beach if thats ok?"


    "Of course." she replied and started driving down the highway.




    Reaching the beach it was about noon and the sun was shining right up in the sky.


    We had decided to walk around the shores. So thats what we did talking about friends and school, all kinds of boring things, but it felt so good just being with Ashley. The was she smiled, her laugh, her voice, and just everything about her. It all was just so……….. comfortable, I’m still not really sure about my feelings for her, but they are coming at me like a samari.

    Ashleys POV

    I pulled into the parking lot of the beach taking a glance at allof the cars that were there. I didn’t really have going to the beach in mind today, but I guess it works. Spencer wanted to take a walk on the shores, I really didn’t blame her it was a nice day out. We talked, and walked, and laughed at corny jokes that we made up.


    After about an hour of talking I suggested we go back to the car. Spencer happily agreed while shaking the sand out of the tennis shoes that she was wearing. We both had reached the car, but Spencer got in first and just sat there waiting for me while I was shaking the sand from in between my flipflops. I got in and sat there obseving the steering wheel for some odd reason.


    "Ashley?" I heard Spencer say sorta nervously.


    I quickly turned around, to find lips pressing against mine. I got so lost in the kiss I didn’t even notice that I was pressing the horn, till Spencer pulled back and said "Ashley, your kinda on the horn!"


    I came back to my senses and quickly moved my arm.


    I embarrasedly smiled at Spencer and she just smiled back at me.


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