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    Practice – (Chapter: I’ll Outsmart You Every Time)

    "When you’re ready to deal with some real medicine give me a call." I stare down at the car while she continues to speak. "In the right setting you could change a lot of people’s lives for the better." I stand there dumbfounded as I watch her exit the room. What the fuck just happened?



    I shake my head as I stare down at the ludicrous number staring up at me in red ink. I lean back into the leather chair and wordlessly slide the paper to my client. I watch him as he laughs and shoves back to me.



    He leans towards me and whispers into my ear.



    "There’s no way in hell I’m paying that fucking whore thirty million dollars and giving her both of the houses."



    I nod my head at his remark as he continues to speak.



    "I’m not giving her any more than ten million."



    I absorb his words before standing and motioning for him to follow my lead.



    I roughly slide the tablet of yellow paper back across the table.



    "Eight and a half is our final offer. Take it or leave it."



    The female across from me stands up in protest. Before a sound leaves her lips the smug lawyer next to her speaks.



    "California is a fifty-fifty state. You should be ecstatic that we’re not asking for more."



    A smile covers my face. "Your right California is a fifty-fifty state. If our clients had been formally married in a planned ceremony while sober I’d be a bit concerned. That’s not the case is it?"



    The smug smile stays planted across his face.



    "Your right, they eloped and were under the influence of alcohol while the ceremony took place, but if was such a mistake why would he have stayed with my client for eleven years?"



    I match his cocky tone. "My client is a good Christian. He was under the influence of alcohol during the ceremony. He decided to stay with your client to avoid breaking the ‘until death do us part’ promise, and he planned on keeping that promise until your client decided to contravene his trust and commit adultery.”

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    1. I love how Ashley has a great job, usally in fics she’s either a spoiled brat living off her trust fund or a singer, so this is really refreshing…pms please :):):)

    2. I can’t wait for Spencer and Ashley to meet for the first time. Will there be an instant attraction? Or maybe they’ll hate each other? Oh, the possibilities.

    3. god ashley working in the medical field??? god i never thought i would read a fanfic with her like that, but this one is definently amazing. i cant wait untill they meet. im sure it will be love at first sight but i could be wrong. lol anyway PMS!!

    4. I love how Ashley has a great job, usally in fics she’s either a spoiled brat living off her trust fund or a singer, so this is really refreshing…pms please :):):)

    5. I can’t wait for Spencer and Ashley to meet for the first time. Will there be an instant attraction? Or maybe they’ll hate each other? Oh, the possibilities.

    6. god ashley working in the medical field??? god i never thought i would read a fanfic with her like that, but this one is definently amazing. i cant wait untill they meet. im sure it will be love at first sight but i could be wrong. lol anyway PMS!!

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