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    Keep Me – (Chapter: (5) And the Disguise Crumbles)

    Keep me- Chapter 5

    "Wow, this chick is fast as fuck"

    Spencer mused aloud. They had been racing for a good hour now. Currently they were on the second to last lap. It wasn’t the fact that the unknown Davies girl was fast that shocked her a bit. It was the fact that the opposing was up to speed with Spencer that was surprising. That never happens, especially when it comes down to muscle cars. This was Spencer’s specialty. She’d be damned if she let a novice even get close to winning. Losing isn’t an option. It never was.

        1hr. And 20min earlier     


    ‘Where the fuck are you?’

    I think to myself for the umpteenth time in the last fifteen minutes as I look at my phone yet again. ’11:40’. I’ve been looking for Brown Eyes. Yes, I’ve deemed her Brown Eyes. I don’t know how it’s possible, since she’s all that I’ve been thinking about since last night, but her name has escaped me, thus the nickname.

    On that note……or off it. Whatever. I’ve been looking for her. Even tried looking for Aiden, thinking she’d be with him. But no luck. I know, I know. That was a pathetic level to fall to. I can’t believe I was actually going to willingly be in his presence, but something tells me she’s worth it.

    As you may have guessed, I am still plagued with cheesy lines and sappy thoughts. Sucks, I know.

    I’m just about to give up my search, since the race was about to start in twenty minutes, when I feel a hand wrap around my wrist and pull me through the crowd. In an instant I knew it was Gabby, so I just let her lead me. When she stops and my gaze falls on Aiden I feel a wave of hatred and annoyance wash over me.

    “Look, I’ll make this quick. Just pop the hood so I can check it out”

    I do as he said. I just want him out of my hair as fast as possible. He bends over the front of my car in order to check for anything that would allow some one to control the car. I smirk at the confused look on his face. He does not know what he is looking for and he most definitely doesn’t know anything about any cars let alone a classic Shelby. A 1965 Mustang Shelby Hurtz to be exact. I just walk toward him and bend over right next to him.

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