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    Story of my Life – (Chapter: hey homie!)

    spencer rolled into the driveway music bumpin all super loud…as soon as she turned off the engine and stepped out of the car

    "Ribet Ribet" her pocket vibrated

    text message! spencer thought to herself…i got frogs! haha i love this phone.

    spencer reached into her pocket."hmm i wander whos textin me"

    1 new message

    from: Ashley

    sup spcence. call me when you get home from school. thanx -Ash

    spencer dialed ashleys number


    yo was crackin mami!

    hey spence whats up?

    not much just got back from school yo

    thats cool im just cooking dinner

    who cooks dinner at like 4 in the afternoon?

    time difference buddy, you forgot again didnt you..its 7 here you ass

    oh yeah! haha…anyways im so bored..ima bout to spark another blunt

    why do you always gotta smoke so damn much?

    actually i dont even know why, i just like to i guess

    well do me a favor would you?

    yeah? what is it ?

    dont spark that please?

    ummm,…why do you care so much ash?

    because i care about you and i dont want you doin that kinda shit

    you care about me? pshhht

    really spence. i liek you alot, and i kinda wanan be with you

    hold on homie on of my hoes is callin.

    spencer clicks over 

    yo! wassup carlos

    hey sexy…we still on for tonight?

    hell yea babes ill be there at 930ish..maybe

    alright peace spence


    spencer clicks back over

    yo sorry ash, but umm im straight i dont even like girls i mean i knew when i started watching that show i started to think alot but umm i dont think im anywhere near your status, you are just really gay




    1. I just started reading this story and I have to say that it is really good. I agree with Joceylovesspashley about spence. well keep up the good work. PMS real Soon.

    2. I just started reading this story and I have to say that it is really good. I agree with Joceylovesspashley about spence. well keep up the good work. PMS real Soon.

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