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    Opening Life – (Chapter: 9)

    Opening Life

    Chapter 9

    I woke up finding myself in a chair next to Ashley’s bed. I slowly steched and yawned. God my arm is ichy under this cast. I tried to get to it from the top of the cast with no luck. I guess I woke up Ashley.


    "Spencer?" I heard her say.


    "Yeah?" I replied while still attemping to scratch that itch.


    "Did you sleep ok, cause you looked kinda unconfortable in that chair."


    "Yeah, I’m fine." I replied as I just gave up.


    "Thanks for staying with me last night." she replied

    "I’m happy I did."


    She took my hand to her lips, where she placed a kiss. There was a knock on the door and Beverly opened the door and walked in.


    "I have good news! Ashley you can go home now!"


    "Finally!" she screamed out.


    A nurse walked into the room with a wheelchair. Asley looked at it with a questioning look.


    "I don’t need a wheelchair I can walk perfectly fine!" she said while trying to sit up. "Ooooowwwwww!!" she yelled clenching her ribs.


    "Honey, you have two fractured ribs! Becareful!"


    "Ok, maybe I will need the wheelchair." Ashley replied.


    On the drive home I sat in the back seat with Ashley. We turned into the driveway and I helped Ashley out of the car and up the stairs to our room, which isn’t easy! I layed her on her bed and went over to sit on mine.


    "Thanks Spencer!" she said.


    "No prob, do you need anything?" I asked.


    "No, not really……um…… can we talk?"


    "Sure, what abour?"


    "About……last night." she replied nervously.




    "So….what does this mean? Are we …..together?" or are we still……..just friends?" she asked.


    Not knowhing how to reply to her comment I took a deep breath. "I don’t know, what do you want it to be."


    She looked up at me. "Well, I want us to……be more than just friends, but…….. I don’t think I’m quite ready for a relationship though." I thought about what she said and

    nodded. "I guess we could just start out being friends and see where that takes us."

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