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    The 8th day is pure bliss – (Chapter: Thursday [Chapter 6])

    I wake up, and still in Ashley’s arms. I snuggle in closer to her and kiss her on the lips. She moans as she hugs me tighter, sure I sort of can’t breathe, but I don’t care, Ashley is hugging me and I feel so safe.
    Her eyes finally flutter open as she looks at me and smiles that smile that just makes me melt. She stretches a bit before giving me a peck on the lips and she gets up.

    ”Where you going?” I ask her. She turns around and looks at me.

    “Shower, come on” She says, I quickly get up and follow her towards the bathroom. We get in and she strips slowly, and I just stand there and watch her and admire every curve on that body.

    ”Spencer, as much as I do like you watching me, we do have school, so unless you plan on not going to school or something get in here” She says as she steps into her shower. I take my bra and panties off and join the brunette in the shower. She turns on the shower and she turns around and quickly crashes her lips into mine.

    Her hands roam all over my body, massaging every area she can get her hands on, except where I do want her the most. She breaks the kiss and she looks at my body up and down which causes me to blush. She kisses me once again before she leans in towards my ear.

    “You want me to give a special Ashley wash” She asks me in her husky voice. I whimper a bit and nod my head. She starts to suck on my neck, I know she’s going to leave a mark, but I don’t really care. She starts moving south and stops at my breasts. She inserts my nipple into her mouth as her free hand plays with my other. I lean against the shower wall as Ashley comes back up to kiss me on the lips as both her hands play with both my breasts.

    “God you’re nipples are so hard, and they taste so good” She whispers into my ear again, of course I moan and I can feel Ashley smiling as she kisses me again. She gets on her knees and spreads my legs apart.

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