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    Practice – (Chapter: Them Digits)

    "Ah, I forgot you convinced that doctor to come out." She chuckles happily. "Well you know I can be very convincing. She should be here any minute so you’ll finally get to meet the person I’ve been bragging about." We share a few more words before hanging up. This should be easy.



    "The patio is just beyond that door. It’s mostly used by visitors as a smoking section."



    My head nods in response to her words.



    "The top floor is used for recovering patients. You won’t be spending much time up there, so there is really no need for you to see it, unless you have an urge to see it."



    "No, I’m sure I’ll see it eventually."



    "You’ll mostly be working in the reparative surgery department, with an occasional shift on the main ward."



    My smile urges her to continue the tour, eventually we end up in front of her office. She pushes the door open gently, gesturing for me to enter.



    I take a seat in one of the plush leather chairs as she closes the door.



    "Any questions?"



    She makes her way across the room to the bigger leather chair behind the desk. When seated and focusing her attention on me I respond to her question.



    "What will my schedule be like?"



    She rummages around on her desk for several moments. A small black binder appears. I watch her intently as her blue eyes scan across the paper.



    My tongue darts out to moisten my lips.



    She smiles and makes eye contact again.



    "You’d work Sunday through Thursday from nine to six."



    I smile in delight.



    "Friday and Saturday off? Good deal."



    A small laugh escapes her.



    "Only the best treatment for our most skilled staff members."



    She pauses and shifts her attention to her desk; quickly bring it back to me.



    "We’ll start you off with some easier cases and work our way up. It’s been a while since you’ve done anything extremely challenging so we’ll start off with a simple burn case and see what we can come up with from there."

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    1. Intriguing…I wonder what Spencer’s issues are. Something tells me or at least hopes that Ashley can change Spencer’s mind about not dating doctors. We’re going to have to find out about that little issue first though, right? Once again, you have me hooked on your story. Good job!

    2. it’s odd, but refreshing to see a nicer Paula…caught me by suprise. hmmm…I like how Spencer is being all mysterious XD. But I’m sure Ashley will figure her out soon…can’t wait to find out what her ‘issues’ are. Nice chapter. PMS =)

    3. Intriguing…I wonder what Spencer’s issues are. Something tells me or at least hopes that Ashley can change Spencer’s mind about not dating doctors. We’re going to have to find out about that little issue first though, right? Once again, you have me hooked on your story. Good job!

    4. it’s odd, but refreshing to see a nicer Paula…caught me by suprise. hmmm…I like how Spencer is being all mysterious XD. But I’m sure Ashley will figure her out soon…can’t wait to find out what her ‘issues’ are. Nice chapter. PMS =)

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