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    Invisible – (Chapter: 3)

    “So…you’re the only straight tennis player, aye? Tell me about how it feels.” Ashley said holding her notebook ready to jot down any useful information.


    “Actually I don’t really feel anything?” I said and smiled. She quickly wrote it down and brought her attention back to me.


    “What do you mean by that?”


    “I mean…” I hesitated and thought for a second. “I’m not sure I’m the only tennis player out there.” I said smiling kicking myself mentally for lying to her.


    “Oh…okay. So tell me about how it is to be the only straight player in this whole pool of lesbian women.”


    “I actually have no problem being around them. Their just normal people with normal lives and they do normal things. It doesn’t matter to me and it shouldn’t matter to anyone else.”


    “Mhm, that’s very interesting.” She said smiling.


    “Yes, that’s my perspective on this whole thing.”


    She thought for a moment and smiled. “Spencer Carlin the straight girl with no problem…I love it.”


    I grinned at how she was so proud of coming up with it.


    “So, I guess that’s about it. Thank you Miss Carlin.” She said standing up from her seat and shook my hand.


    “It was a pleasure meeting with you.”


    She nodded and left the Café. I looked at her as she walked off and chased after her.


    “Ashley!” I called out. She looked back and stopped.




    “Maybe…” I got nervous and looked at my feet.


    “Yeah, Spence?”


    “Do you wanna hang out tomorrow?” I said quickly surprised that I went through with asking her.


    “That would be nice.”


    “So I’ll pick you up tomorrow…say 8ish.”


    “Perfect. Here’s my address.” She said scribbling on a piece of gum wrapper and handed it to me.


    “Cool, I’ll see you then.”


    “It’ll be fun.” She smiled as she entered her limo. As the door finally closed and her limo drove off I jumped up and down with excitement. A couple people were staring. I stopped a little embarrassed and excused myself. I hopped into a taxi and asked for the driver to take me to the gym. Since I was already in my gym attire I might as well work out to try to look good for tomorrow.

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