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    Invisible – (Chapter: 4)

    She was on top of me as she stared into my eyes. I really didn’t want this to happen…not this fast anyways.


    “What’s wrong?”


    I shook my head, “This is all getting so good, to fast.”


    “I thought you wanted this.” She said as she got off me and sat next to me on the bed.


    “I do…I mean I did. I just, Ashley you’re in a relationship I just can’t handle being your little experiment.”


    “Spencer, I didn’t mean for it to happen like this.”


    “You didn’t mean for this to happen? So you just happen to finish up your make-up and lead me into your room?”


    “I just-” She paused for a second trying to sort out her words.


    “I should probably go. This night isn’t gonna work out.”


    “Spencer, please.” She said grabbing my head puling me back.


    “Ashley, please just let go. This isn’t going to work.”


    Her head dropped as she let go. “I don’t love him.”


    “Love who?”


    “I don’t love, Shay.”


    “You’re telling me this why.”




    “Ashley, you need to figure this out and I need to figure out if I’m actually into you.” I said as I headed towards the door.


    “Spencer…” She said sobbing.


    I slowly shook my head as I left her room.





    I stirred in my bed reaching for my phone.




    “Spencer! How was it?” Jason said happily.


    “How was what?”


    “You know…the interview. You didn’t tell me how it went yet.”


    “Oh, yeah, the interview, it was great.” I sighed. “The interviewer was into me.”




    “You know Ashley the writer of the article…also Shay’s girlfriend.”


    “Did you do anything?”


    “I asked her to like go out, but I thought we would just get to know each other.”


    “Yeah right, Spencer, but continue.”


    “So yeah I went to her house yesterday and like she tired to kiss me.”


    “Did you kiss her back.”


    “I didn’t mean to!” I replied.


    “Spencer, come on. What if she writes what happens in the article. You messed up big time. Damn, it. What are we going to do now, huh?”


    “I don’t know…I’m so sorry.”


    “All you did was kiss right, you didn’t…”


    “She tried too, but I stopped it.”


    “Okay, that’s good. At least it didn’t go far.”


    “Spencer, god, your career is in jeopardy.”


    “Can you just shut up about my career for a second? If my fans really loved me for who I am they wouldn’t care about my sexuality.”


    “You know how people are these days, so homophobic.” Jason said.


    “Well I’m starting to get the vibe that you’re one of those people.”


    “What, Spence, are you kidding me. I’m all good with your little girl action thing. It’s cool, but the public isn’t.”


    “I’m so pissed off right now.” I said angrily. Jason didn’t reply. I heard small talk in the background and a little bit of arguing.


    “Hello?” I said.


    “Miss Carlin, how are you doing today? It’s your assistant, Erin.”


    “I’m good, what happened to Jason.”


    “He said he couldn’t deal with all this girl talk so he asked me to talk to you for a bit.”




    “So, what happened?”


    “Ashley happened.”


    “Who’s that?” Erin said interested.


    “The woman who interviewed me for Sporty Sports and she’s also the girlfriend of the boss for the magazine.”


    “Ouch, when did this happen.”


    “Well I kinda asked her out after the interview and it didn’t go so well.”


    “Did you try to kiss her?”


    “She tried to kiss me.”


    “Mhm, that’s interesting.”


    “And I kissed her back and we almost did it.”


    “You stopped it before it went to far?”


    “Yeah, how’d you know?”


    “I can tell. Well, Miss Carlin, I mean aren’t you going a little too fast with this woman. I mean she’s in a relationship too. Is she really someone to fight for?”


    “I don’t know…”


    “Well you better figure it out then shouldn’t you?”




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