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    Do i know you. – (Chapter: changing for a chance)

    "Spencer! Ashley and Kayla are here. Hurry up honey” Paula called up the stairs.

    “Coming mom”

    Spencer said looking at herself in the mirror one more time after looking around for her bag. She had bought it to impress her crush… Ashley Davis. As long as Spencer could remember she had always liked the hot brunette. She was an out going person and everyone at school liked her. All the boys had crush’s on her hell even the girls even the straight girls. Everyone knew Spencer Carlin straight A student, Catholic Church going girl had the biggest thing for Ashley, except Ashley. 


    Paula walked outside to greet the girls. They had made a great impression on Paula.

    “Hey there girls”

    “Hi Mrs. Carlin how are you doing?” Ashley asked

    “Fine. You guys must me happy the school years just begun. Are you two going to be cheerleaders again?”

    “Well I’m not I’m going to be trying out for the soccer team and Kayla’s going to be the cheerleader”

    “Oh well good luck to the both of you. I should be going inside, Have a good day girls Bye.”

    “Bye mrs.carlin” the girls said at the same time. Spencer hadn’t come out yet.


    “Dude Spencer is so still in love with you Oh my god”

    “No she isn’t Ky, ok we’re just really good friends, she’s cool.”

    “Ashley! Are you serious all summer long she’s been with you. The way she looks at you says it all. And you know that!”

    “Look Spencer’s just confused that’s it, ok… so just drop it”

    “Ok whatever”…”I still think it’s cute Spencer and Ashley, doesn’t that sound so adorable and you two do look so cute together aww just think about think Ashley”



    “SHUT UP!”

    “ha-ha ok, ok”


    Spencer walked out the house and Ashley’s eyes ran over her. From top to bottom. She looked good.

    This went a little unnoticed but Kayla, but she didn’t say anything. She actually thought it was cute for the two of them together. They did make a cute couple, and Kayla was sick of all the trash Ashley would bring home and so their mom would for once like to get to know. She wanted her sister to be with someone actually good for her, and Spencer seemed just the girl.

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