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    Practice – (Chapter: Lift Me Up)

    "Well I’m not just some shrink, I’m Ashley Davies. So I have an advantage." She chuckles again, I join in her laughter, smiling at the ease of our conversation. We’ve known each other for fifteen minutes and we’re already falling into effortless conversation. I’ll get inside of her head… eventually.



    My hand reaches out forcefully pushing open the door to the lounge. When I enter I slam it shut, letting out a dramatic sigh along the way. A yawn escapes me; I remove the stained white coat from my shoulders. Setting it down on the wooden coffee table while running my fingers through my hair.



    My head drifts back causing a small thud as the back of my skull hits the dark blue metal locker behind me. My hands move up my body, fingertips rub the skin. I pull back at the feel of the stickiness residing there.



    My head snaps to the left as I hear the creak of the wooden door opening. I stare into the dark brown eyes, he smiles, genuinely. I smile back knowing that a genuine smile in L.A. is rare. He moves a few step closer before speaking.



    "I heard about what happened."



    He pauses releasing another sad smile.



    "You want to take legal action?"



    My head immediately shakes in the negative.



    The bulky security guard stands, face contorting in concentration. After a few moments the strong features relax as words flow from his mouth.



    "You sure? Because if that coffee had been hot you could have been seriously injured. We really need to start buckling down on things like this."



    "No, if that had been my son and some doctor told me I couldn’t help him because he didn’t have the correct insurance, I can’t say I would have reacted any differently."



    He says nothing more about the subject. Instead he motions to my shirt.



    "You want me to find you something to change into?"



    I tiredly respond.



    "No, my shifts over any second now. I’ll just go home and deal with it."



    "Okay, but if change your mind you know where to find me."

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    1. Yes, Ashley and Spencer have lots to discuss. One thing being, what are Spencer’s issues exactly? I think maybe Spencer should make an exception to her no dating doctors rule. Great update!

    2. nice chapter XD. I’m still not used to the fact that Paula is being all nice and everything…not that I’m complaining ! lol ! can’t wait for Spencer and Ashley’s alone time together. PMS =)

    3. Yes, Ashley and Spencer have lots to discuss. One thing being, what are Spencer’s issues exactly? I think maybe Spencer should make an exception to her no dating doctors rule. Great update!

    4. nice chapter XD. I’m still not used to the fact that Paula is being all nice and everything…not that I’m complaining ! lol ! can’t wait for Spencer and Ashley’s alone time together. PMS =)

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