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    Opening Life – (Chapter: 11)

    Opening Life

    Chapter 11

    We pulled into the parking lot of Palm High, it was pretty big, about the size of my old school back in St. Pete. We found a parking spot and got out of the Grand Cherokeem since her Carmry got totaled, We got out and Ashley took me to the office to get my schedule. We had some troble, but eventually got it.

    Ashley took a look at my schedule and said "Well looks like you have all the same classes as me" she said dullfully. What was that, is she upsset the we have the same classed? "Well the bells going to ring soon, so lets start heading out." she said while walking to the door.

    We were on our way to 1st period till someone call out from behind us "Hey! Ashley!" she quickley turned around to see who it was. A fairly tall, raven haired guy was jogging up to us.

    "Hey Aiden!" Ashley said.

    "So…..whos your friend?" he said rather flirtaously.

    "Oh, this is Spencer, my sister."

    "Sister?" Ashley gave him a weird look. "Oh…..ok." he said after some how understanding what Ashley was tring to say.

    "Hi I’m Aiden, nice to meet you Spencer." The bell rang and we quickly said our goodbyes and I followed Ashley off to our 1st period.

    The day went by and all the teachers seemed really nice, especially Mrs. Conker. The last bell rang and we started walking back to the car.


    "So how’d you like your first day at Palm?" Ashley asked.

    "It was ok, you have some nice teachers here"

    "Sure….." She said sarcastically

    We both got in and started making out way back home, but we had to stop to get some gas. While I sat there in the car I thought, I still don’t get it, she said she wanted to be just friends but right now this isn’t even close. Ashley had gotten back into the car. The rest of the drive home was quest except for the fact that the radio was playing. We drove into the driveway and Ashley was about to get out.

    "Ashley." I said


    I took a deep breath and quickly thought about how I was gonig to say this "Whats wrong?" I asked sturnly.

    "What do you mean, whats wrong?"

    "Ever since the kiss you’ve been treating me like………………I know you said that you wanted us to just be friends right now, but the way your treating me is now even close to being friend!" I couldn’t really tell how she reacted cause my eyes were flooded with tears. I quickly fgot out of the car and ran into the house.

    I ran up the stairs and slammed our bedroom door behind me. I was just so frustrated with everthing! I heard a knock on the door.

    "Can I come in?" Ashley asked while slightly opening the door.

    "Sure" I muttered, she walked in and slowly closed the door. I looked up at her waiting for what she had to say. As she slowly walked forward as she took a seat next to me on my bed. "So……." I asked plainly. I could tell she was having trouble bringing up this situation. She looked at me with sorroful eyes.

    "Look," she said, "I’m sorry…..that….well…the thing is…..I was just…afraid" She slowly studderd out.

    "Of what?"

    "I’m really sorry, I guess I just….with school starting and I was…..just afraid of what people might think of me….us." I gave her an understanding look.

    "But why did you ignore me?"

    "I didn’t know what to do, and that wsa just how…..I reacted. Forgive me?" she said I turned to looked the other way. I could feel her leaning closer to me. I felt her hand pull my hair back off my shoulders as she leaned forward furter and kissed my cheek, then she pulled slowly back.

    Slowly turning my head to look at Ashley, she just sat there waiting for an answer. I leaned over giving her a peck on the lips and replied "Ok…"


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