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    Beware of Wonder – (Chapter: 1)

    Beware of Wonder

    Chapter 1

    When I left my office that beautiful day, I had no idea what was in store for me. To begin with, everything was too perfect for anything unusual to happen.

    I was on my way to picking up Jimi from daycare, driving through many streets in between. A bright orange and blue sign caught my attention. It read Coffee 3000 I didn’t recall ever seeing it. ‘Must be new,’ I thought. I continued heading for the daycare.

    As I pulled into the driveway,I looked over at the clock, 4:57. Quickly I turned off the ignition and headed inside. The woman at the front desk looked up from what she was doing; giving me a welcoming smile, as I sighed Jimi out, Walking into the classroom where all the kids where coloring, I saw Jimi quickly look up, "Mommy!" the young boy yelled out while getting up and running over to me, embracing me in a hug.

    "Hey kiddo, how was your day?" I asked.

    "Good, oh and looked at what I drawed for you!" he replied while quickly running over to the table grabbing a sheet of paper with what seemed to look like a turtle on it.

    "Oh, it’s wonderful! Now we have to go home now."

    "Okay." he replied. I took his back pack off the hook, while he went over to put away his crayons. I still thinks he’s a bit neater than a boy his age should be, but I’m fine with that less work for me.

    When we got back to the car I helped Jimi get into the car seat and then walked back to the front seat to start the car. It wasn’t long before we headed out of the parking lot and started home.

    The next day came and after I had dropped off Jimi at the daycare, I was heading to work as a medical assistant for Dr. Howard. You know answering phones, helping people fill out insurance forms, and see all the lovely faces of sick people.Not that I don’t like my job, it’s ok, but I only make about……..25,000 a year, which isn’t too bad.

    On my way to work I passed that Coffee shop again, I don’t know but theres somthing about that shop that really intrigues me for some reason. I just let it pass and continued to work.

    As I entered the office, there was this lovely greeting from Becky. "Ashley’s here" she said in a mocking voice. I just gave her a sigh and sat down at my desk.

    "Hey Ashley," said a voice from behind, I turned around to see that it was Dr. Castro, who was one of the Dr. Howards PA’s, who I’m sure was hitting on me.

    "Hey…..Joe" I said.

    "So Ashley, how ya doin?" he asked obviously trying to act cool.

    "Um….I’m working." I replied in the same exact tone as him.

    "So….I was wondering wanna go get lunch later? Maybe at that new Coffee place?"

    The mention of the coffee place intriged me, "Ok….." I replied while giving him a fake smile. I really wanted to check it our and this would be a good opportunity.

    "Cool, so see ya later." As he walked away I rolled my eyes.

    The morning went by and Joe.. and I went over to Coffee 3000 to get some lunch. Joe said there was lunch here too. So as we walked in I surveyed my suroundings, it was really nice beautiful marble tables, nice floor, and some funky music. It was cool.

    We took at seat at a table by the window, a waitress came to take our order. Joe order for both of us while I just looked around and when I saw who was behind the counter I just had to do a double take. Is that Spencer?! I rubbed my eyes and blinked a few times to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. She was still there, what would she be doing in Tampa, Florida?

    I quickly escused myself from the table and slip over to the counter. The girl looked over at me and said "Hi, how may I help you?"

    "Spencer?" I said still suprised.

    "……Yeah….do you want anything?" she asked slightly confused.

    "Spencer, what are you doing here?" I asked.

    "Um…..I’m sorry but….. do I know you?"


    1. Hmmm…Interesting..I like it so far…Can’t wait to see what happens, or where this goes…So, Ash has a kid, and Spencer appears to have memory loss….Let’s see where this takes us…Awesome Post…PMS

    2. Hmmm…Interesting..I like it so far…Can’t wait to see what happens, or where this goes…So, Ash has a kid, and Spencer appears to have memory loss….Let’s see where this takes us…Awesome Post…PMS

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