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    Practice – (Chapter: Dark Alley)

    "Marissa knows everything, I wouldn’t have to explain." The fact that she’s willing to be with someone she really doesn’t care about just because its easy angers me, making all my understanding for her situation vanish. I pull my wallet from my back pocket.

    "So you’re just going to settle for Marissa because you’ll get to dodge some really difficult conversations?" She leans back and refuses to make eye contact. The look on her face tells me the topic is no longer up for discussion; this is one of the downfalls of being best friends with a lawyer. Once she feels like she’s given you her closing argument there is nothing left you can say. In defeat I decide I might as well end this encounter.

    "I gotta get back to the house Spence. To make sure the twins are okay, they just came down with the flu, ya know." "Make sure you give them plenty of fluids." She states, not bothering to make eye contact. I throw a couple twenties down on the table. "I’ll call you when I’m on my way."

    After a brief hug and a few apologetic smiles I head for my car, flipping my phone open as soon as I’m inside. "…..Ashley?" "Yeah?" Her voice responds through the phone. "I think its time to set this jealously plan in motion."








    "The brunette at three o’clock."


    I turn my head to the side in search of the girl, when I spot her a scoff escapes me. She’s tall, long hair, nice body, I look down at her boobs. She’s standing close enough for me to get a good view within five seconds I realize that they’re completely fake. That’s the deal breaker.


    "Are you kidding me? She’s so… eww."


    The black haired boy sighs in frustration. Our eyes meet, and I can tell by the way his eyes are narrowing at me that he is quickly losing his patience.

    "That’s the twelfth girl I’ve pointed out. Why are you so picky?"

    I simply shrug my shoulders, eyes scanning the crowd for someone slightly attractive. I sip on my drink when it becomes clear that I’m not likely to find someone in this crowd.

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