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    Invisible – (Chapter: 5)

    “Spencer, your Sporty Sports photo shoot is tomorrow 7 o’clock.”


    “Wait wait…let me get my palm pilot.” I said holding the phone with my shoulder as I searched through my crowded desk.


    “Ahh here we go. So tomorrow…7 o’clock…got it!”


    “Good, good. Don’t let this thing with Ashley get in the way.”


    “Okay, Jason. You’ve been telling me that ever since I told you. Don’t worry I’m a big girl now.”


    “A big gay girl that can’t handle it.”


    “Fuck you, Jason.”


    He laughed. “Down, girl, sheesh. I was kidding.”


    “You such an ass hole, Jay.” I said walking towards my kitchen.


    “That’s what so adorable about me.”


    “Oh god, don’t you ever say that again.”


    “Whatever, remember photo shoot tomorrow, don’t be late.”


    “Sure sure. Bye.” I said and shut my phone as I reached into the refrigerator for orange juice.



    “Chop, chop, Spencer Carlin is going to be her in 5 minutes you better make this thing look nice!” Shay called out. The crew looked over at him and continued to clean around the photo shoot space.


    “Ashley, come over here, tell me if this looks fine.” Shay called out motioning for her to come over. She sighed and walked over to him.


    “It looks fine.” Ashley said and walked back to her chair.


    The door swung open and in came Spencer Carlin, her boss Jason, and Erin her assistant. One worker spotted her and rushed to her a side holding out a cup of coffee.


    “Coffee, miss?” He said


    “Oh no thank you, I’m fine.” I said.


    “Spencer, spencer, so who’s the girl.” Jason said putting his arm around my shoulder.


    “Yes, Spencer, mind me asking too, but who’s the girl.” Erin said.


    I laughed and shook my head. “You really want to know who she is.”


    “Yes!” Both of them said in unison.


    I sighed and nodded my head towards a bored looking Ashley and they both quickly turned to look. Jason’s head turned a bit and Erin smiled.


    “She’s cute.” Erin said nodding.


    “Wow…nice.” Jason said smiling seeming interested.

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