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    Beware of Wonder – (Chapter: 2)

    Beware of Wonder
    Chapter 2

    ‘I’m sorry, but do I know you?"

    "Do you know me?" I repeated in shock. "Spencer, how can you not remember who I am?"

    "Ma’am, I’m really sorry, but I don’t really remember ever seeing you." she said, still seeming confused. A fairly tall, blonde headed man walked out from the kitchen. He obviously saw Spencer and I arguing, as he walked over.

    "Honey, what’s wrong?" Woah, did I just hear what I think I just thought I heard?

    "This woman here says that I know her!" Hearing this,he looked over at me "And who exactly are you?" he asked, a curious look obvious on his face.

    "Ashley Davies, and who are you?" He looked pretty shocked at my answer.

    "Can I talk to you for a minute?" he asked.

    "Uhm… Sure" Nodding, he told Spencer he’d be right back and walked me over to a table over in the corner of the shop.

    "Look, Ashley." He paused. "I really don’t know why you think you know Spencer." I was about to interupt him, but he held his hand up and continued talking. "She doesn’t need this kind of stress. I’m going to tell you something that you shouldn’t mention to anyone.

    He paused, and during that brief moment, I thought I saw a glimmer of uncertainty in his eyes. Before I could be sure, however, the look was gone and he spoke again. "Several years ago, Spencer was in a car crash." My mouth fell open in shock. Spencer -a car crash!?

    "Is she okay?" I asked quickly. "Did she get hurt?"

    "If you would stop interupting me, I would tell you!" he snapped, obviously annoyed. I was quiet immediately, and waited for him to continue.

    "She got a few cuts and bruises, but she recovered wonderfully. At least, she did physically. She was knocked pretty hard on the head and the doctor said she has a permanent amnesia."

    My mind reeled. Amnesia? No way. Spencer…..not able to remember anything about her past? Anything about me, anything about us?

    "Amnesia?" I sputtered stupidly.

    "Look, I don’t have time to reassure you. But Spencer gets really upset if anyone talks about anything in her past, seeing as she can’t remember it. She can’t help feeling bad, as if she should remember something that’s not there. So, please. Just drop it, okay?" he told me, getting up from the table he said "I really don’t want you seeing Spencer again."

    I got up too, still in a daze about the news I had just recieved. As he moved back torward the counter, I realized that I had no clue who he was.

    "Wait!’ I called out to him. "Whats your name?" he paused for a moments before turning and calling back to me, "It’s Chris."

    Returning to the window side table Joe was still sitting at, I grabbed my purse and made for the door.

    "Hey, wait a minute!" Joe yelled. "Where ya going? You didn’t even eat!"

    "I’m not that hungry anymore," I said vaugely, pushing open the door.

    I walked back to my car thinking hard. As I unlocked the door one thought came to me that seemed to make that most sense. "Chris…he’s either as innocent as a baby or a damn good liar!"

    I quickly got in and headed towards the beach. Reason why….I don’t know. It was about half past one and the sun was directly over head leaving me stuck in the car. Was it true, Spencer doens’t remember anyting about me….at all? The memory of Spencer saying "I’m sorry, but do I know you ?" kept playing over and over in my head.

    What really happened? And why is Spencer with this Chris guy? I pounded my fists on to the steering wheel, then just started crying. I looked up at the semi-crowded beach and muttered "I will see Spencer again!"


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