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    Invisible – (Chapter: 7)

    “Turn a left right…here” I said pointing towards my street. Ashley slowed the car and turned the wheel making a perfect left into my neighborhood. She kept on driving until I told her a couple more turns and to go up my driveway. She looked up at my house admiring it.


    “Your house is really nice.” She nodded. “It very suburb-ish?”


    “Suburb-ish, what the heck.”


    “You know…suburb-ish…”


    I gently shook my head in disappointment towards Ashley’s ways of words. I unlocked the door and stepped out closing the door behind me. The noise of a window lowering down startled me.


    “Spencer.” Ashley called out. I turned around and placed my arms over the door.




    “I had fun today.”


    “Yeah, maybe we’ll do it some other time.”


    “That’d be nice.”


    “Goodnight, Ashley.” I smiled as I walked towards my house.



    I excited jumped onto my bed and quicky dialed Erin’s number.






    “Alloooo Errran.” I giggled.


    “Alloooo Spenseerr. What is up?”


    “Nothing is up…erin. Gosh you gotta be so logical.” I said moving my hands around in emphasis. “I just got out of a car.”




    “Nope, Ashley’s!”


    “So the booty thing did work.”


    “Hell yeah it did.”


    “I’m awesome…right? Please tell me that I’m awesome.”


    “You’re awesome.”


    “Oh, thank you.” Erin laughed enjoying the compliment.


    “You’re so conceited.”


    “Well, that certainly isn’t a nice thing to say is it.”


    “Oh shut up and let me tell you what happened.”


    “Yeah, yeah, you and your lover had this oh so wonderful date!”


    “She’s not my date and I don’t think she’s that much into me, she’s straight by the way.”


    “She’s as straight as the freaking yellow brick road in Oz…okay. And why would she have you meet her after you did you little bootay thang if she wasn’t into you.”


    “You did not just say that.”


    “It’s damn true though.” She said.


    “So yeah today! She asked me to hang out with her at the Lane.”


    “The place where you first met, aww, you guys are so cute.”


    “Oh shut up.” I said beginning to blush thinking about the moment I first laid eyes on her.


    “I bet your blushing right now.” Erin replied.


    “*gasp* you know me so well.”


    “I can read you like a book.”


    “What kind of book am i?” I questioned, challenging her to come up with a name.


    “The How to Be a Perfect Tennis Lesbian for DUMMIES!”


    “I wonder who would be that.”


    “Any girl that can’t see that Ashley Davies is soo into her.”


    “I wonder which girl that must be?” I said laughing.


    “Hmmm, I wonder.”




    I looked at my phone which blinked that I head another call waiting.


    “Hey, hold up Erin I have another call waiting.”


    “It might be your secret lesbian lover!” Erin snickered.


    “Shut up.”


    “Yes my little lesbian that has no gaydar.”


    “I so have gaydar.” I replied.


    “Psh, it really shows, Spence.” She said sarcastically.


    “Okay, okay, hold on.”


    I switched over to the other line hoping it was Ashley.




    “My car broke down.” Ashley laughed.


    “Are you serious?”


    “Sadly, yes. I’m like on the side of this street. My car stopped in the middle of the street and some guy helped me push it to the side and just left me there.”


    “Wow, some guy.”


    “Yeah I know. Can you pick me up? I’m on Sunset and some other street.”


    “All right, you can just lead me to you. I’m leaving right now.”


    “Thank you.” She said happily.


    I switched over to Erin and told her the story and she laughed saying that it was fate that her car broke down. I said I’ll see her tomorrow as I headed to rescue Miss Ashley.


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