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    Practice – (Chapter: Waiting for Me?)

    She beams at me, seemingly happy that Spencer and I will be spending time alone. I look at her confused, half ready to protest. My eyes dart to Spencer and my mouth shuts tightly a bright smile covering my features. "Yeah, I think I’m up for that."



    "Spencer! Come in here."


    I round the corner and make my way into the room at the sound of my name. My mother turns to me; a serious expression covers her face. Before she has a chance to utter a single word I look over her shoulder and make eye contact with Ashley. She wiggles her eyebrows; a small laugh sneaks out of my throat as a bright red tint makes its way across my skin.



    My mother gives me a knowing smile; I do my best to push it out of my mind as she begins to speak. For a few moments I am in tune with everything she is saying. My focus fades; I can feel Ashley’s eyes rolling over my face.



    Against my will my eyes slip away from my mothers face and meet Ashley’s. I confirm my suspicions of her staring eyes. This does nothing but make the feeling in my stomach grow more persistent.



    I look back to my mother who has yet to stop speaking.



    "You’re okay with that right?"



    Okay with what?



    "Yeah, no problem."


    She quickly spins on her heel to face Ashley.



    "I guess it’s settled then, you and Spencer will stay late tonight to discuss ways to make this kind of thing occur less often."



    Ashley hesitates before a huge smile crosses her face.



    "Yeah, I think I’m up for that."



    I hold back a smile.



    I don’t date doctors.



    "I’ve gotta go, but you two can feel free to use my office."



    She steps closer to Ashley, attempting to whisper.



    "You might want to go get ‘cleaned up’, you never know what could happen."



    Of course she fails miserably in her attempt.



    Thankfully it is just a matter of seconds before my mother brushes past me and enters the hospitals hallway.

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    1. It’s virtually impossible for Spencer and Ashley to NOT fall in love with each other. Spencer just has to get rid of those pesky issues before she will admit to it. I’m glad you’re back. I wondered where you went to.

    2. yay ur back!! lol, i am just in love with your plot with ashley being the doctor and spencer being a lawyer, its just so original… and im guessing in the past spencer had a relationship with someone who used to be a doctor and ever since doesnt want to get into that agian…. but no matter what i know that they are going to fall in love, if its slowly as they become friends or if they end up sleeping together right away…. its definently bound to happen!!!!lolPMS!!

    3. I see no problem in them hooking up for awhile! I’m so glad you posted! Sorry that you hurt yourself…i almost broke my ankle skateboarding and i now dont ever get on one. LoL! And i agree with everyone else…they have to fall in love, its just what happens. I’m hoping that you’ll let is in on Spence’s problems soon cause i’m dying to know! PMS!

    4. It’s virtually impossible for Spencer and Ashley to NOT fall in love with each other. Spencer just has to get rid of those pesky issues before she will admit to it. I’m glad you’re back. I wondered where you went to.

    5. yay ur back!! lol, i am just in love with your plot with ashley being the doctor and spencer being a lawyer, its just so original… and im guessing in the past spencer had a relationship with someone who used to be a doctor and ever since doesnt want to get into that agian…. but no matter what i know that they are going to fall in love, if its slowly as they become friends or if they end up sleeping together right away…. its definently bound to happen!!!!lolPMS!!

    6. I see no problem in them hooking up for awhile! I’m so glad you posted! Sorry that you hurt yourself…i almost broke my ankle skateboarding and i now dont ever get on one. LoL! And i agree with everyone else…they have to fall in love, its just what happens. I’m hoping that you’ll let is in on Spence’s problems soon cause i’m dying to know! PMS!

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