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    Invisible – (Chapter: 9)

    I woke up with Ashley’s arm around me. I smiled knowing that I was the one who held her last night and I ended up being the one who was held. She woke up because her breathing changed. I flipped over on my other side so I could face her. She was awaked and smiling. I placed my forehead against her and smiled.

    “Good morning.”

    “Good morning, Spence.” I sighed softly taking in her beauty even when she just woke up. I moved her bangs away which revealed her face. Her cheeks were red and her eyes looked drowsy but she smiled anyways.

    “I could get used to this.”

    “Me too,” She nodded placing her hand on mines. She looked at me and curled her fingers between mines.

    “I want to stay in this bed forever.”

    “I know; it just feels so perfect.”

    “You’re perfect.” I said with ease making her blush.

    “You’re wonderful.”

    “You’re beautiful.” I replied.

    “You are defiantly mine.” She laughed putting her arms around my waist pulling me into her. I looked at her surprised by her moves.

    “I’m sorry, I just thought-” She gently let go.

    “No, it’s fine.” I said holding her arms and placing them around me. She rested her head on my chest as she closed her eyes. I laid my head on top of hers thinking of how this felt so right.

    “Spencer?” She mumbled.


    “I love…this bed.” She let out a big sigh.

    I removed my head and looked into her eyes knowing she was telling a lie.

    “What were you gonna say.”

    “I love your bed.”

    “No Ash, I know you were gonna say something different.”

    “Seriously Spencer.”

    “Okay…” I said knowing she was still lying. I just let it go and let her hold me.

    “Spencer…” Ashley whispered gently shaking me. I tightly closed my eyes as I pulled the covers over me. “Spencer, wake up.” She pulled the covers off me and I quickly rolled up in a ball for body warmth.

    “Someone’s on the phone for you.” She said holding the phone out to me. I took the phone from her and yawned.


    “You have her answering your calls now, you got her totally whipped.”


    “What are you so tired for, it’s like 12 noon. What’d you do last night?”


    “Last night…couldn’t even get an answer….something something something.” She said singing her favorite song.

    “What about last night?”

    “Why are so tired, you spent all night having hot monkey sex?” She laughed but I knew she was dead serious.

    “Shut up, we didn’t sleep together.”

    Ashley looked at me; I shook my head and rolled my eyes. She laughed and nodded her head understanding what I was talking about.

    “So you just held each other through the night.”

    “Actually, we did.” I said beginning to turn red.

    “Aww, how cute.”

    “Yeah…yeah, why’d you call?”

    “Just making sure she was still over there.”

    “Yes she is still over here.”

    “So I’ve heard.”


    “All right have fun with your lesbian lover…oh wait, she’s straight right.”

    “Can you stop reminding me about it!”

    “Just wondering how a woman who wouldn’t come out already would be dating a straight girl.”

    “I’m not dating her!” I yelled and looked over at Ashley. She shrugged and I did too. “Well I mean, it’s not like that, it’s just that were…”


    “I don’t know!”

    “It’s complicated?” Erin asked.


    “Excuses…excuses.” She said. I heard a girl’s voice in the background.

    “Who’s that?” I asked curious about what was happening on the other line.

    “Hail, hold on I’m on the phone.”

    “Hurry up, the shower’s already hot.”

    “Hailey, hold on. I’ll be there.”


    “Hey I gotta run, I’ll talk to you later.”

    “Who was that though?”

    “That was Hailey.”

    “Hailey who?”

    “Hailey Desmar.”

    “Who the fuck is that?” I said.

    “You don’t remember her, Hailey, my girlfriend.”

    “You’re gay?”

    “Are you seriously asking me that?” She laughed.


    “I thought you knew.”

    “Well I don’t, you better talk to me about this later.”

    “Yes, boss. Gotta go, bye.”


    I shut the phone and looked at Ashley. “Erin has a girlfriend.” Ashley’s mouth dropped. “Yeah I know…” nodding my head in amazement.


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