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    Invisible – (Chapter: 10)

    “She’s gay?” Ashley gasped.


    “Totally, that’s what she told me.”


    “She doesn’t really act like it.”


    “I saw it coming ‘cause she knew too much on how to impress a girl.” I said continuing to wonder what Erin was doing right now.


    “So who is her girlfriend?”


    “Uhh, Hailey…something….Hailey….”




    “Yeah…Hailey De…Demar….Desmare…”




    “Yeah, how’d you know?”


    “She’s like the most famous lesbian in L.A.”


    “Really, I don’t know her.”


    “People say she can make a girl come just by touching her hair.” She whispered losing her fingers in my messy hair.




    “Yeah I heard she’s really good in bed.”


    “Go, Erin.”


    “For reals, I didn’t know that Hailey was even gonna go steady with anyone.”


    “I don’t even know her.”


    “What makes Erin so special that made Hailey stay wit her?” Ashley asked tracing her long, skinny fingers through my hair gently combing it.


    “She’s fucking hot.” I laughed. Ashley let her arms fall to her side and she looked at me angrily.


    “No, no…no you’re way hotter.” I said moving my hands in front of me, “Plus you have a boyfriend so what are you talking about.”


    “Shay’s not my boyfriend.” She defended.


    “Well he thinks he is, if he really isn’t your little boy toy you better break it off.”


    “I can’t.”


    “Well I can’t be your dirty little secret.”


    “But Spencer.”


    “You can have all of me or none of me, it’s your choice.”


    “But-” Ashley muttered.


    “Ashley you knew this would be coming. You break it off now or never talk to me again.” I replied handing over her cell phone.


    “I might lose my job, Spencer.”


    “You knew that I couldn’t just be your little booty call.”


    “I really like you, Spencer.”


    “I really like you, too, so please.”


    “What do I say?” She said taking the phone.


    “Shay, you’re a really nice guy, but I can’t let you keep me away from being my real self. So I came to say that you need to find another girl that is into you too and can deal with your magazine shit.”

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