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    Invisible – (Chapter: 11)

    Eyes opened. Complete Darkness. I look to my side and see no one but hear the soft breathing of Ashley in her sleep. I feel for her but touch nothing. Sitting up from my bed I look around the room but see nothing of her figure. Her breathing…it’s taunting me…it’s calling out to me to find her. Where is she? I quietly yell her name into the darkness. My voice echoes as if it reached no one’s ears. Her name is called out again but a little louder with intensity. I quickly jump out of my bed and walked slowly towards the light switch but I trip over something. I fall flat on my face, surprised by the impact I run to the light and flick it on. I turn around…and there she is, on the floor, breathing softly holding on to her stomach. Her shirt’s dark red covered with blood. “Ashley.” I cried kneeing over holding her body crying for help to anyone who is able to hear me. Her eyes are slightly open as she averts her eyes to my face. She holds out her arm lightly caressing my face. A single tear falls down my face as she closes her eyes as her breathing becomes heavy. “Ashley!” I cry shaking her to wake her…


    “Spencer! Spencer!”




    “Spencer, wake up!”


    My eyes opened seeing Ashley’s worried face hovering over me. I sigh of relied escapes her mouth as she holds me tightly. I hold her tightly smiling knowing that she isn’t dead.


    “You were having a bad dream; you kept on saying Ashley, Ashley.”


    “My dream…nightmare…you were dying…you…were…”


    “Spencer…” She cooed rocking me slowly. “I’m still here.”


    “I can’t lose you, Ashley. I need you in my life.”


    “I’m not going anywhere…”




    “No buts, Spencer, I’m not leaving you. I never will.” She smiled and hugged me tightly.



    “Ashleyyyy….” I yelled. I heard her turn off the water and rush up the stairs for my assistance. She stood their breathing heavily hands on her waist moving her balance too one foot, classic Ashley stance.


    “You ranngggg….” She mimicked my voice.


    “I wanna do shopping!”

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