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    Practice – (Chapter: Oh, Hell No)

    "You should go for it Spence." "I can’t, she’ll see." His arms wraps around my shoulder. "You’ve never had a problem with that before. Why now?" I don’t answer his question. Instead I step out of his grasp and take few steps in his direction. "Let’s get outta here."



    "We are going to be so late."



    My left hand moves towards the center of the steering wheel, I apply pressure. After a few moments I become annoyed with the shrill sound and remove my hand.



    "Relax Spence, it’s not like this is some big event."



    I let out a sarcastic laugh as the car in front of me moves about five feet forward.



    "Tell that to my mother. Being late to a charity event is like being Atheist in her book."



    Aiden nods his head, probably remembering the last time we were late.



    "True… don’t we get any brownie points for being early last week? I mean we even help set up and still we get no love?"



    My foot applies light pressure to the gas pedal. I let out an aggravated sigh as I push down on the black button that controls the window. I lean my head out of the car as I yell.



    "You have the right away, fucking drive."



    The driver of the car hits the gas, but not before giving Aiden and I a nice view of his middle finger.



    I lean back into the car and begin to drive.



    "If you can’t drive stay off of the fucking road."



    Aiden lets out a laugh.



    "Irritable much?"



    I slam on the brakes and throw both hands to the horn, as a silver Mercedes cuts out in front of me.



    "Did you see that? I nearly rear-ended him."



    I watch as the silver car pulls in front of another car and makes a sharp left turn.



    "Who gave that idiot his fucking license?"



    Aiden shakes his head as I look both ways and begin to drive again, while mumbling under my breath.

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    1. Oh hell no is right. That lap is Spencer’s, if only she would admit that she likes Ashley and would tell us what her problem is that she doesn’t want Ashley to find out about. Fortunately for Spencer, I think Ashley is crazy about her also. So that brunette on Ashley’s lap might just be a ploy to make Spencer jealous. Or what do I know? Guess I’ll find out when you update again.

    2. haha that was so hilarious when aiden was proving his point and spencer kept on swearing lol, and omg im ganna kill spence she HAS to admit she loves ashley dispite what maybe happened in her past and omg what the hell does that slut think shes doing on ashleys lap??? nuh-uh its reserved for S.P.E.N.C.E.R. haha lol

    3. I agree that Ash may be trying to make Spencer mad, but hey i think Spencer deserves it. I mean come on…anybody would jump Ashley if they got the chance. I really want them together, but a lil torture never hurt. Great update! PMS!

    4. OMG…public bench…that was hilarious. I want them to hook up too, and Spence does need to step up her game..OH HELL NO!!! is a great start…cheers mate.

    5. Oh hell no is right. That lap is Spencer’s, if only she would admit that she likes Ashley and would tell us what her problem is that she doesn’t want Ashley to find out about. Fortunately for Spencer, I think Ashley is crazy about her also. So that brunette on Ashley’s lap might just be a ploy to make Spencer jealous. Or what do I know? Guess I’ll find out when you update again.

    6. haha that was so hilarious when aiden was proving his point and spencer kept on swearing lol, and omg im ganna kill spence she HAS to admit she loves ashley dispite what maybe happened in her past and omg what the hell does that slut think shes doing on ashleys lap??? nuh-uh its reserved for S.P.E.N.C.E.R. haha lol

    7. I agree that Ash may be trying to make Spencer mad, but hey i think Spencer deserves it. I mean come on…anybody would jump Ashley if they got the chance. I really want them together, but a lil torture never hurt. Great update! PMS!

    8. OMG…public bench…that was hilarious. I want them to hook up too, and Spence does need to step up her game..OH HELL NO!!! is a great start…cheers mate.

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