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    Do i know you. – (Chapter: A Date.)

    “Yeah, my best friend with my sister, and plus you two are good for each other”

    “But everyone wants Ashley, and I’m not exactly her type, if you haven’t noticed” Spencer said then looking over towards Ashley’s direction and seeing her talking to the girls who look like they are just about to come all over her.


    “I think with some few adjustments we can make you her type” Kayla said taking a few steps towards her with an evil smirk. Spencer liked the idea of Ashley and her but was it worth it change who she was….  DEFFENITLY.






    The next few days were a blur and classes went fine except the part when the project was talked about in class. The project was to draw an outline of each others bodies on paper and then draw and label each others body parts on it. Ashley didn’t find it hard at all. That after noon Kayla was over an hour before Ashley got there to help Spencer look a little hotter.


    The door bell rung and up looked Spencer at Kayla and then panicked.


    “Ky I don’t think I can do this” she said looking in the mirror. “This isn’t me” she said looking at her mini to mini skirt and her top that came just above her hip bones.


    “Spencer this will work I know what Ashley likes and that” she said pointing to her oulfit “she will love”

    “ok lets go”


    The door swung open and there was Ashley turned around looking at the new sports car she had received for her 18th birthday.


    “Ashley, come in” Spencer said causing Ashley to turn around and running her eyes up and down Spencer’s body a few times. Spencer felt naked and a little embarrassed but she was getting some attention from her.


    “H-hey Spencer, you look nice… is it a new look?”


    “Ya kinda I just wanted to see how it looked. What do you think?” she asked doing a 360


    “It looks good Spence” very, very good “so how about we get that project done” Ashley walked past her and Kayla and Spencer turned around and gave Kayla a questionable look

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