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    Invisible – (Chapter: 13)

    Chapter 13


    “All right, bye.”


    I stirred up from my bed on a beautiful Saturday morning. It was November, almost close to my birthday.


    “Hey, sleepy head.” Ashley said closing her phone and setting it on the night stand. She smiled at me and took a seat on my bed. I reached out for her hand and held it tightly.


    “Who was that on the phone?”


    “It was Shay.” She said. By the sound of his name I jumped up surprised.


    “What was he doing calling you.”


    “He said he’s going to come over and drop off all my things, especially my car he’s had for quite awhile.”




    “So he’s coming over right now.”


    “Do I need to get dressed?” I asked.


    “No need to do that. I’ll just get all the stuff and bring them up by myself.”


    “You sure?”


    She smiled and nodded. The doorbell rang.


    “Wow that was quick.” I laughed.


    “I’ll be right back.” She left my room and ran downstairs to get the door. I heard a couple sounds and the beeping of a car. Couple moments later, Ashley appeared in my room with two boxes full with stuff. She dropped them on the side of the room and headed back downstairs to get her luggage.


    “Anymore?” I asked her from the bed. She shook her head and went back downstairs.


    “It was nice seeing you again, Shay.”


    “Here are you car keys, Ashley.”


    “Thank you, goodbye.”


    The door closed and Ashley came back upstairs.


    “Quite a work out, going up and down those stairs.”


    “Why do you have a two story house?” She breathed heavily.


    “Cause I’m awesome.”


    “That’s for sure.” She giggled and rushed up to the bed and hopped on me placing kisses all over my body. She growled as she undressed me and pulled the covers over us. She stopped kissing me and looked up at my face.


    “What’s wrong?” She asked.


    “Would you move in with me?”




    I nodded and smiled. Slowly a smiled formed across her face and left her eyes twinkling. She hugged me tightly and kissed me on my cheek.



    “Mom, are you serious…ugh. I can’t…no…Mom, I can’t. Fine then! I’ll see you tomorrow.”


    “You’re having a lot of mysterious calls lately.”  I said.


    “Yeah…it’s getting really annoying.”


    “Tell me about it.”


    “Guess what.”


    “What, Ash?”


    “My mom wants to meet you.”


    My mouth dropped. Mrs. Davies wants to meet me? Are you freaking serious? This is totally not cool. How can she? How? No…no she’s not going to, I can’t meet Ashley’s parents already. It’s for Ashley, I have too. Gah…


    “Sure.” I said regretting it already.


    Her faced dropped. “Are you serious?”


    “Well isn’t this what you want.”


    “I guess, isn’t it a little early for meeting the parents?”


    “They don’t have to know were dating.”


    “So…um. There going to come over tomorrow.”


    “So should I make reservations somewhere?” I asked already heading for the phone.


    “Oh no, maybe we could cook.”


    “That’s good too; I’ll just ask my chef to whip up something.”


    “No, Spence, we…should cook, we, as in me and you.” She said moving her hand between me and her. 




    “Yeah, that would be nice right?”


    “I really don’t cook.”


    “Well I am a fantastic cook.” She said impressed with herself.


    “So were gonna have it here?”


    “If it’s okay with you?”


    “It’s totally fine. Shouldn’t we head to the grocery store?”


    “Let’s go!” She said heading towards the door.


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