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    The Assistant – (Chapter: 2)

    When the weekend arrived, Spencer could hardly contain her excitement as she rolled out of bed, prepared to spend the entire day with Sammy.  Work hadn’t been so brutal the day after the VIP party.  Ashley had spent the day meeting with creative, marketing and graphics about the album.  So, Spencer spent most of her time sitting at her small desk just outisde Ashley’s office, surfing the web.  Plus, she’d actually managed to make it there on time.

    Sammy was also doing much better.  The swelling in her hands and feet had gone down, allowing her to walk a little more easily.  Her knees and ankles also didn’t seem to hurt as much.  Spencer rushed over to Sammy’s room, but the little girl’s bed was empty.  Everyone must have already been downstairs. 

    Seconds later Spencer walked into a full kitchen.  Dad at the oven flipping pancakes, while her brother, mother and Sammy scarfed them down.  Sammy was the first to spot her.

    “Mommy!” the little girl yelled, sliding out of her chair and wobbling over to Spencer.

    “Sweety, no” Spencer said, meeting her more than halfway and putting her right back in the chair.  “I don’t want you moving more than you have to.”

    “Well, look who finally decided to rise and shine,” Glen said through a mouthful of pancakes.

    “No, Uncle Gwen,” Sammy said, wagging her finger, “No talking with food in the mouth.”

    “Yeah, you tell him, Sammy,” Spencer smiled, taking a plate of pancakes from her dad and joining everyone else at the table.

    “It’s Glen, G-L-E-N, not Gwen,” Glen told the little girl who stared at him blankly. “Gwen is a girl’s name and I’m a manly man.”

    “Oh, leave her alone,” Paula said looking at him over the newspaper.  “She’s only three.”

    “Yeah, but she says words with an “L” in it all the time.  She’s doing it on purpose.”

    “Unh-uh, Uncle Gwen, Unh-uh,” Sammy replied, shaking her head.  “Mommy, what’s purpwis’?”

     Spencer simply kissed the girl on the cheek, before plowing into her own pancakes.  She knew as well as everyone else that Sammy could say Glen’s name perfectly well.  But it was more fun pretending he was crazy.

    “Spencer, have you given any thought to what we talked about?” Arthur asked, taking a seat at the table.  Spencer’s fork had just reached her lips when she froze.

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    1. I’m loving this, sorry just got caught up but already can’t wait for the next chapter. Ash is so into spencer still isn’t she but she needs to lay off spencer and pay her more so she can look after Sammy. Oooh! Please post hoops too! I love your stories!!

    2. this is one the better new fan factions out this is really goodand to all you people who say ashley needs to get nice and help spencerhow can see when ashley doenst know about spencer’s problems

    3. totally my new favorite story. i kinda want spencer to that she is quitting her job for school. then ashley will realize how much she needs her. but whatever happens i will still love it

    4. yeah this really is one of the best fanfics i’ve read. i’m with AberFitch14 i kinda want spencer to quit so that ashley well realize how much she needs her. great update!pms!!

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