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    To Grow With Love – (Chapter: 1)

    Underneath It All

    Chapter 1

    As the blonde slowly opened her eyes, dues to the rays of sunshine shining through the window. She looked over to her clock on her bedside table and immediately jumped out of her bed screaming.

    "Ahhh… Oh my god! It’s 10:17! I’m going to be late for the wedding! Where’s my dress?! I knew I… how did it get over there?!"

    As the blonde panicked, Arthur opened the door still with his pajamas on and asked through a yawn. "Whats wrong hunny?"

    "Dad! Kimberly’s wedding! Don’t you remember?" The blonde yelled at her father.

    "Oh yeah, we still have another hour," he said after looking at his solid gold watch. "Calm down."

    Looking over at her father with an agrevated look, "Will you just hurry up and get ready!"

    With that he walked away closing the door behind him.


    Everyone lined up at the edge of the step getting ready to catch the boquette Struggling in the middle of the crowd determind to catch it. The bride gets set to throw, and the bouquette is launched flying through the air. Angling towards the east feild. Pushing through the crowd, Spencer make a dive for it and… Wewh good save!

    The truth is one of her heels broke and she fell flat on her face. Realizing she had caught the bouquette she screams in joy. "Yaaayyy!!!"

    A hand reaches down to help her up, as she looks up with wondering eyes and a bright smile. Her smile fades when she sees who it is. At tall, but nerdy blonde guy.

    "Spencer, are you okay?" he asks.



    He snatches the bouquette from her hand, "Spencer… Marry Me?"

    Snatching the bouquette back, "Are you crazy I don’t even know you?" Spencer replied and ran off.

    "Spencer, wait!" her father yelled out while chasing after her.

    "Seems of your doing." she replied.

    "What’s so bad about Anthony? He’s a great guy."

    "Dad, you chose him not me, I want to find my soul mate. I can’t argue with you all day I have to pack. I’ll be off to New York tomorrow."

    "What your leaving me?"

    "Dad, I told you a long time ago I’m going to a friends wedding. And you better not follow me!"

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