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    Practice – (Chapter: Never Did, Never Will)

    I nod at Ashley’s words. She looks at me curiously, I smile. She turns her attention back to the woman on the stage, keeping her hand glued to its position on my thigh. Things fell apart so abruptly back then, if I gave into my wants would I be doomed to repeat the past?






    Her hand is burning a hole into my thigh.






    Isn’t she here with Dianne?






    The question gnaws at me, yet I don’t consider pushing her hand away. Her fingers brush against my skin, causing pleasure to course through me. It feels amazing, but it isn’t enough to keep my already battered mind from returning to the past.














    I continue to walk down the crowded street, pushing my way through the over-populated sidewalk.






    "Spencer Carlin!"






    The voice is laced with anger; this urges me to quicken my pace. I take a turn into an alleyway, to avoid the mass of people that line the sidewalks. As I walk I remove my jacket, throwing to the side without hesitation. I hear her steps behind me. My feet come to a halt, realizing the odds of me avoiding this confrontation are not in my favor. I quickly spin on my heel, blue eyes burn into my own.






    "You’re coming home."




    Her tone is serious, I almost refrain from speaking.






    "You’re out of your fucking mind."






    Her hands reach out to brush the blonde hair out of her face. My eyes absorb her figure as an uneven sigh leaves her throat.






    "You are coming home tonight."






    I shake my head in defiance before I decide to speak.






    "Home? I’m no longer welcome in your house, remember?"






    She lets out another sigh, a frustrated sigh.



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    1. You ended it there??!! Seriously??!! I can’t imagine what’s behind those doors that affected Spencer so much. I guess that’s why you’re writing this story and I’m not. You and your cliffhangers. PMS!

    2. WHAT’D SHE SEE WHAT’D SHE SEE? My imagination is blanking the only thing i can think is a doctor to straighten her out or something… but i have to know.. post more asap… PLEASE????

    3. Hell yea an update! And you are seriously making me anxious! What happened?! I’m so glad you updated, but i really hope we get to know the whole story next chapter and i really hope that it comes out soon. You have to do this for me or i’ll cry! PMS!

    4. You ended it there??!! Seriously??!! I can’t imagine what’s behind those doors that affected Spencer so much. I guess that’s why you’re writing this story and I’m not. You and your cliffhangers. PMS!

    5. WHAT’D SHE SEE WHAT’D SHE SEE? My imagination is blanking the only thing i can think is a doctor to straighten her out or something… but i have to know.. post more asap… PLEASE????

    6. Hell yea an update! And you are seriously making me anxious! What happened?! I’m so glad you updated, but i really hope we get to know the whole story next chapter and i really hope that it comes out soon. You have to do this for me or i’ll cry! PMS!

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