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    Save Me, My Lover. – (Chapter: Two)


     Save Me, My Lover

    Chapter Two

    After I took my Biology final and my Spanish final, I was all done with school for the summer. I was very thankful, since I had other things on my mind, obviously. It was hard just getting though those two tests.


    Ashley came home two days after it happened, like she was supposed to. It’s been a little over a week since the incident and I still have not told her about it. We haven’t made love either. She came home, and wanted to, of course…but I told her it was that time of the month, so we would have to wait. Sometimes, being female comes in handy.


    I lied to her about a week ago, and I know she’ll start suspecting if I don’t “put out” soon. I think I can handle sex with her. I was also thankful that the marks on my body had faded away. So far, I think I have been playing it off well. I don’t want to tell anyone what happened because I’m ashamed and scared and it’s too hard to talk about, at least right now. I mean, if I can’t be open about it with my future wife, who can I be open about it with? I thought of going to see a therapist, but I never got around to it.


    I have her number. The therapist number. Maybe I will call her today….


    “Hey you,” I hear a soft voice. I turn around and see Ashley standing there with a big grin on her face, “Guess what?”


    When I think about telling this beautiful, amazing girl what happened, I feel like puking. She smiles at me and I can’t imagine being the one that takes that wonderful smile away. It’s too difficult. So for now, I will try and remain silent.


    “What’s that?”


    “Well,” she begins as she moves closer to me. I feel her arms wrap around my waist and pull me in, “I got us reservations tonight at your favorite restaurant. I figured we could celebrate, you know, because you finished all your finals.”


    That was sweet of her. “Aww, babe, that sounds amazing,” I stare deep into her eyes and it makes me feel secure. I swear, I could get lost in those eyes. I know people say that all the time and it always sounds lame, but I really mean it. Very true, very true.

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    1. so i ben mia but im glad i came back intime to read this before it got too far and i had to take forever to catch up but wow this story is like….wow its intense and meaningful like you can see this all happening in your head like a real movie…or a true story. i agree with everyone its heartbreaking ,no one should have to go through this especialy alone. it wasnt her fault its never the victims fault for being raped ashley would understand…if anything she would only be dissapointed spencer didnt tell her sooner

    2. my god this is heartbreaking. spence needs to tell someone, even if it’s a therapist. she needs to realize ash isn’t going to blame her otherwise she’s going to end up self destructing. fantastic story though, I’m absolutely loving it. pms please!

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