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    To Grow With Love – (Chapter: 2)

    To Grow With Love

    Chapter 2

    "Sir my cousin works here, I’ll call her to tell you to bring the money." Looking over, Spencer saw Kyla walking out of the building. "Oh! There she is!" Kyla continued walking towards a car parked in front of them scraping a long line of paint off with a key.

    "Kyla!" A guy yelled, catching up to her. Kyla huffed and backslapped him. "Quiet, we are done!"

    "Kyla, you already scratched my car, can’t we at least talk about it?"

    "Talk about it, your fiance was in there! If I knew you were like this, I wouldn’t even have gone to lunch with you!" She yelled, as she slapped him again.

    "Does this mean that I’m never going to see you again?"

    "See me? Of course you can see me. Of course, if I do see you again you’ll be slapped again. Do you have a phone? Call me!" she finished, walking away towards a confused and slightly scared Spencer.

    Walking into D-Day, a clothes store. they walk up to a employee. "Excuse me, is Carmen here?"

    "Oh, she’s off today Sorry. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

    "Yes, help me find some clothes!" Kyla exclaimed.

    Browsing the store trying on a bunch of clothes. "Hey, I thought you said you still had a bunch of credit card bills you had to pay?" Spencer whispered.

    "I do, but I’m really down. So… I need to buy a lot of clothes."

    "Was he really important?" Spencer inquired.

    "No." was the blunt reply. Suddenly Kyla’s cell phone began to ring. She quickly grabbed a pink Razr out of her purse. "Hello, Rocky?…No, I really don’t feel too good…Is that okay?…Okay, buh-bye."

    "Oh, so you were cheating on him too!"

    "Well, yeah. It’s not the same thing though! I want to be married by 25 to someone rich so when I go shopping I don’t even have to look at the price tag! I’ll tell you one thing, when you find a guy it’s best to not be over 125 pounds."

    Looking over to her with an ‘are you kidding me?’ look, Spencer asked "Okay….so does that mean when I get over 250 I can find two guys?"

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