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    Practice – (Chapter: Scarred From the Past)

    He leans back against the couch, taking another long drink from his flask. Eventually he leans forward, his eyes scan my face. I flinch as one of his rough hands rests on my arm. "You know, you look just like your mother."



    As adolescents we put ourselves in horrible situations. We force ourselves to believe that our parents are the enemy. Usually one parent is singled out, made out to be the villain. In my case I made a decision, decided that no matter what my mother did she was the bad one. My father, well I placed him on an undeserving pedestal. If I had been just the slightest bit mature I would have realized that my mother was the one I should have been looking up to, but no, us adolescents can never see anything outside of the world we create inside of our minds. We take, and take until the people around us have nothing left to give. For instance, my mother had given me so much, accepted my choices and I continued to stick my hand into her wallet, pulling at her for all I could get.

    "Mom, we need to talk."

    She spins around, a skeptical looking washing over her features.

    "Sure Spencer, come help me."

    She turns back to the vegetables she had been cutting moments earlier. I make my way to the nice sized countertop resting in the middle our kitchen. For a few moments my eyes focus on the quick chopping motion, specifically the knife resting in her palm. My eyes dart towards the cross hanging above the kitchen door. I shuffle a few feet away from her.

    Oh yeah, she’s really going to cut you Spencer….

    My mind gives me a good lashing before settling down and letting me gather a bit of confidence. Just as I’m about to open my mouth to speak she turns to me.

    "Help me peel the potatoes."

    I nod and walk back to the counter top. She carefully hands me the knife she had been working with. With one hand I reach out, grabbing a potato. I put all of my focus on peeling the potato. After a few minutes my mother’s laugh disrupts this. I glance at her briefly before continuing my task.

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    1. Okay first…Fucking ass! God that pisses me off i’d kill Ben and my dad! Second i’m so glad for the quick update, but i dont want to know Spencer’s secret anymore. JK. I really want to see how the Spashley relationship develops. PMS!

    2. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Not to sound redundant, but kill Ben NOW and while your at it add Arthur to the list! Spencer is my favorite character and to read about her being raped is difficult…The only redeeming factor is Ashley now has Spencer in hand… Great story, but painful to read. PMS

    3. Okay first…Fucking ass! God that pisses me off i’d kill Ben and my dad! Second i’m so glad for the quick update, but i dont want to know Spencer’s secret anymore. JK. I really want to see how the Spashley relationship develops. PMS!

    4. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Not to sound redundant, but kill Ben NOW and while your at it add Arthur to the list! Spencer is my favorite character and to read about her being raped is difficult…The only redeeming factor is Ashley now has Spencer in hand… Great story, but painful to read. PMS

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