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    Long hot days – (Chapter: bet you 20 bucks)

    “DAD! Come on its Saturday. Why do I have to work?
    ”Because the Carlin’s are our best clients and do a good job now GO!”

    “This is so unfair, I had plans”

    “Well life’s a bitch, NOW GO”

    “FINE, fine what’s the address?”





    “Be right there” a voice called out


    A minute later the door was opened.


    “Hello mama I’m here for the pool”

    “Ooh yes it’s out back, would you like me to take you out there?” Paula asked

    “Um no it’s fine I can find it”

    “Ok well its right through there” Paula pointed to the room, which lead to the back yard


    Cleaning the pool wasn’t that bad especially when you have 3 girls watching, but I’m just the pool guy. They want hot, muscular men, to be whipped and then dumped.



    On the other side of the yard 3 hot looking girls were talking amongst themselves.


    “ Brea how’s the dating Josh thing going?”

    “I don’t know he’s… he’s very slow, he doesn’t understand anything and is always! talking about football or basketball.. Like I care. What about you two?”

    “Well I don’t wanna date anyone there’s just nothing out there and you Spence? …Spencer??”

    “Oh Ya what?” she asked

    “Ahh I see you’ve spotted the pool boy?” Anna asked looking where Spence’s direction was before

    “No I was just looking at the view” she answered

    “HA that’s total bull Spence. Ya the view is nice, now why don’t you go over there and introduce yourself?”

    “No it’s—“

    “Anna come on Spence wouldn’t do she has no guts”

    “DO TO!” she said a little louder

    “prove it” Anna replied with a smirk

    “Fine just watch” 


    Spencer got up and walked towards the pool. While the pool boys back was towards her.


    “Hey brae I bet you 20 she’ll trip or fall”




    Spencer let out a little cough to get the pool boys attention and when she didn’t she tapped the shoulder.


    “Oh Hi there”

    “Hi, I just wanted to come by and introduce myself.”

    “…OK.” Giving the blond a funny face

    “Oh right I’m Spencer.” She said sticking out her hand and felign like a total dumbass

    “Hi, I’m Ashley” she said grabbing her hand. “You guy’s just move here?” Ashley asked


    “Wow Spencer’s actually doing this pretty good”

    “Well I’ll be taking that 20” Brea said. Handing Brea the 20 bill.


    “So I’ll pick you up at 6 tomorrow then?” Ashley asked

    “Sounds good to me” Spencer said smiling. She turned around and swayed her hips side to side. Knowing that Ashley was looking after her.


    As Spencer was walking she turned around and was about to wink, better did she know that there was the hose right there. She tripped and fell. ‘OH GOD DOTN BE LOOKING OH GOD’ She rose to her feet and continued to walk Ashley just let out a chuckle and went back to work.


    “I’ll be taking that 20 now!” Anna said and Brea handing it back with a disappointed face.

    Spencer laid down again and exhaled.

    “Guys… I have a date, tomorrow”

    “With her?” Anna asked not believing her.

     “She did see you fall right?” Brea teased


    Spencer to busy watching her hot pool boy.

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