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    Practice – (Chapter: The Jealousy Game)

    "I can’t believe she’s back, it’s so surreal."

    The blonde across from me looks like she’s deep in thought. Most likely analyzing every aspect of this unexpected arrival.


    Is the only response I’m able to give her. My plan is too give her as little response as possible, in hopes that I’ll no longer be compelled to listen to her rant on about this sour topic.

    "Maybe the three of us could hang out, you know, it’d be like old times."

    These words are not unexpected, in fact I’m a bit surprised she waited so long to speak these words.

    "Really, we should. It’d be fun."

    Fun? Maybe it’s been too long and Spencer has forgotten of the mutual hatred between Marissa and I.

    "I wonder if she’s seeing anybody."

    I don’t bother to say anything to that statement. I’m too busy wondering what the hell could be going through her head to make her think getting back with the devil is a good idea. Does she not remember all the shit she had to deal with because of the situations Marissa put her in?

    "It’s crazy I didn’t even know Clay was still in contact with her."

    Instead of giving her any kind of response I shove my burger into my mouth, focusing on the taste instead of her words.

    "So what do you think?"

    I think you should drop the whore from your mind, and your life.

    "Huh?" I say, bits of burger still crammed into my mouth.

    "Eww, chew Aiden, chew."

    Her face scrunches up in disgust. After chewing a few times I force the food down my throat, immediately looking back at Spencer.

    "So you’d be up for it?"

    Hell fucking no I’m not up for spending time with that baneful bitch.

    "Up for what?” I say, faking ignorance.

    An eye roll and a sigh follow my question.

    "You, me, and Marissa, hanging out, catching up."

    Over my dead fucking body.

    I shrug my shoulders, taking a quick glance out of the window. I know some how Spencer is going to get me to spend time with the redhead. So after staring out at the teeming beach for a moment I figure I might as well use this to my advantage.

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    1. great post! so nice to see something from Aiden’s POV for once! can’t wait to see what their magical plan is! don’t leave us hanging for too long!

    2. Favorite line: “So you’re just going to settle for Marissa because you’ll get to dodge some really difficult conversations?” There it is…Spencer’s fear. Let the drama begin! Impressive update. PMS!

    3. great post! so nice to see something from Aiden’s POV for once! can’t wait to see what their magical plan is! don’t leave us hanging for too long!

    4. Favorite line: “So you’re just going to settle for Marissa because you’ll get to dodge some really difficult conversations?” There it is…Spencer’s fear. Let the drama begin! Impressive update. PMS!

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