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    Invisible – (Chapter: 16)

    Mhm…hangover, not good. I looked over to my side and see this girl who doesn’t look familiar to me. Images from last night replayed in my head as I looked at her…


    “Try it, it’s my poison.”

    “Thanks, so you wanna dance?”

    “Really? I still haven’t gotten your name yet, I’m Hailey.”

    “Hailey…like the ice that falls from the sky. It’s Hail-ing…I’m Spener…Specner…Spencer!”

     “Let’s bring you home.”

    “Ohh ,Spencer, FUCCKKK!!”


    Oh my god, Hailey! Hailey, Erin’s girlfriend, the most famous lesbian in L.A. Oh shit! I jumped out of bed quietly and dressed myself now knowing what to do. I found my keys to my car on the side table and walked out of the room clueless. I hopped into my car and drove off…to where, I’m not sure.




    Flight to New York is boarding now. Flight to New York is boarding now.


    I looked to my right and left and only saw people exchanging goodbyes and hellos. I sighed loudly as I walked through the metal detectors carrying a small duffel bag and onto the plane.


    7A…7A…Aha, there you are. I opened the small compartment on the top of the seats and placed my duffel bag in there and took my seat right next to the window.


    Everyone would you please buckle your seats, we are ready for take off. I buckled my seats as everyone else did in the plane and we took off. We are now in the air and thank you for flying Jet Blue. I placed some earphones in my ear and turned on my iPod hoping it will escape me from all my troubles.




    I’ve been driving around the city for about 3 hours. Where was Ashley? I tried her cell phone so many times and she’s not answering. I whipped out my cellphone and dialed her number again.




    You have reached Ashley’s cell, please leave a-”


    “Damn it.” I said closing my phone and throwing it in the direction towards my purse.




    I stood outside of the New York airport waving my hand for a cab. A couple cabs passed me up and left me there hanging. I looked like a total idiot screaming at the cab drivers and slamming my duffel bag against the floor. I sat on the curb defeated until I heard a familiar voice.

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    1. I just caught up on this awesome ff. One question though, why has the only sex scene been with Hailey and not Ashley. You’ve gotta do something about that! Anyway, I’m loving the drama and it looks like Erin and Ashley are about to hook up… Well done! PMS

    2. I just caught up on this awesome ff. One question though, why has the only sex scene been with Hailey and not Ashley. You’ve gotta do something about that! Anyway, I’m loving the drama and it looks like Erin and Ashley are about to hook up… Well done! PMS

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