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    I Think About You In The Summertime – (Chapter: 2: Beach Girl)

    I remember waking up the next morning with a feeling of great anticipation. It was weird because I hadn’t felt that way… well… ever really. I jumped out of bed at around noonish and immediately started throwing my clothes off while heading for the shower. As soon as I was finished getting ready and perfecting perfection I grabbed a cereal bar and towel and I was out the door. I had a dream the night before that I had met this mystery girl on the beach, and if that wasn’t a hint as to how I would meet her I don’t know what was.

     I knew that she was staying at the house next door, but I had no idea where she would be and I was not planning on knocking on their door with cookies or anything. So i figured the beach would be my best bet. I had on my black bikini, it was simple yet revealing it showed off all of my curves, and it made my tan glow. I didn’t have the time or the need to put on a tank top or shorts, it was hot anyways so I figured the less clothes the better. Once I had made my way past the cross walk I started walking in the sand closer to the ocean while scanning the many faces. It was unbearably hot and since I hadn’t grabbed any flip flops I picked up the pace to a slow jog and laid my towel out. I stood up for a while my sunglasses on gazing past all the sun burnt faces of people I didn’t know and I just decided that maybe she would come to me. 

     That was a bust. After about 3 hours at the beach and a pretty dark Ashley I thought to put an end to this whole stalker thing. I figured if this girl was any kind of special at all it would just happen. I mean she did live next door to me, but for how long? She could only be here for a couple weeks longer I argued with myself. I ended up deciding that I needed to make my move and it needed to be made fast. I remember going home that day feeling angry, yet excited, defeated, yet fearless. I knew exactly what I was going to do even if it meant I was to burn the entire house down.

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    1. Just caught up on your first chapter and then this. I like what you’ve done so far and would really like to read more if you feel like obliging??

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