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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Seven)

    I couldn’t help but feel a little weird after last night. I couldn’t help but keep thinking about what Spencer thought of me. During the day I was cool confident didn’t give a fuck Ashley. But at night I was helpless, pathetic. Spencer saw both sides of me, and I didn’t know what to think of that. I mean, nobody’s ever really seen the night terrors, the memories that still hold so much baggage that I still can’t shake them. Nobody has ever seen that side of me, except for her. The only side anybody else has ever known is the Ashley that doesn’t care about anyone or anything. Now that was changing, and it kind of scared me.

    It didn’t take long until operation “plastic” was ready. There was a few minor details to work out yet, but they could be taken care of on the run.

    “You sure you want to do this Ash?” Aiden asked one last time.

    “Aid, calm down,” I smirked.

    “I’m just saying Madison is going to get you back Ash.”

    “I can handle it,” I tried to assure him. I mean, what could she throw at me that was that horrible?

    “Ok, well then I’ll take care of my part and meet you back here at four o’clock.”

    “Alright, it’s a go.”

    A couple of years and I’m a silhouette

    My halos been broken

    And I’m all that’s left

    I hate to disappoint but it’s the way things went

    I was blind to the things I did

    And after what was said

    Tie up these loose ends

    These voices are calling me out

    I’ve got the solution

    You can feed me to something

    That is leaving this stale


    I was still pretty anxious about this prank. There was just one thing I needed to take care of. God, this was going to be a hard to one to explain.

    When seventh hour ended I could feel the adrenaline kicking in. I loved this part, the part where you watched everything come together. Maybe this was a little brutal, but Madison was going to know that Ashley Davies didn’t take shit from anyone, that the days of her ruling were over.


    “Hey,” I greeted Aiden as he came and sat down next to me at another cheerleading practice, except today I wasn’t just watching the blonde I’ve come to adore. Today I couldn’t help but glance over everyone of them curiously.

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